Introduction: The Teaching of Philosophy at Universidad Nacional (UNA), Costa Rica


  • Juan Gómez Torres Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
  • Adrián Mata Calderón Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
  • Omar J. Ureña Soto Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica



First of all, we would like to express our deep gratitude to Gabriela D'Odorico and Alejandro Cerletti for their time, their willingness, and their valuable contributions to discuss and complement the philosophical-pedagogical training that Professor Juan Gómez, who was the spark that ignited our interest in critical-transformative pedagogy, which he took pains to provide us with during our two years as active students of the bachelor's in the Teaching of Philosophy at the Center for Research and Teaching in Education (CIDE in Spanish). Without you, none of this would be possible.

Author Biographies

Juan Gómez Torres, Universidad Nacional

Académico de Educología, CIDE, UNA

Adrián Mata Calderón, Universidad Nacional

Estudiante licenciatura en Pedagogía con énfasis en didáctica Educología, CIDE, UNA

Omar J. Ureña Soto, Universidad Nacional

Estudiante maestría en Pedagogía Universitaria Educología, CIDE, UNA



How to Cite

Gómez Torres, J., Mata Calderón, A., & Ureña Soto, O. J. (2018). Introduction: The Teaching of Philosophy at Universidad Nacional (UNA), Costa Rica. Ensayos Pedagógicos Journal, 15-24.



Table of Contents

How to Cite

Gómez Torres, J., Mata Calderón, A., & Ureña Soto, O. J. (2018). Introduction: The Teaching of Philosophy at Universidad Nacional (UNA), Costa Rica. Ensayos Pedagógicos Journal, 15-24.

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