Education, Community, and Liberation. Comments from the Pedagogical Thought of Paulo Freire and Alejandro Cerletti: Contributions to the Teaching of Philosophy




education, community, liberation, Paulo Freire, Alejandro Cerletti


In this paper, we will give some criteria on the importance of the community as a total social fact necessary to achieve an education that, in addition to being critical and rigorous, is, in turn, pertinent, significant and transformative. For this, we analyze the proposals of Paulo Freire and Alejandro Cerletti to problematize reality through the emergence of the other, or to learn through our questions, considering students from a subject-subject relationship and not as objects of education, who from their reality and needs, can assume education as a liberation process where philosophy plays a fundamental role.

Author Biography

Juan Rafael Gómez Torres, Universidad Nacional

Académico de Educología, CIDE, UNA


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How to Cite

Gómez Torres, J. R. (2018). Education, Community, and Liberation. Comments from the Pedagogical Thought of Paulo Freire and Alejandro Cerletti: Contributions to the Teaching of Philosophy. Ensayos Pedagógicos Journal, 103-113.



Table of Contents

How to Cite

Gómez Torres, J. R. (2018). Education, Community, and Liberation. Comments from the Pedagogical Thought of Paulo Freire and Alejandro Cerletti: Contributions to the Teaching of Philosophy. Ensayos Pedagógicos Journal, 103-113.

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