Nicaraguan Immigrant Adolescents in the Costa Rican Education System: Reflections from and for Counseling




immigration, interculturality, Counseling, Costa Rican educational system, education, equity


This article arises from a research process on the analysis of the educational reality of being an immigrant from the social-educational experiences of Nicaraguan immigrant adolescents, in order to open spaces for reflection and analysis from the discipline of Counseling and its scope of action in the educational system. The study was carried out with ten Nicaraguan immigrant adolescents in the Costa Rican educational system and the results of the research were socialized and discussed with students of the Counseling major at Universidad Nacional, to establish a reflective space in light of possible areas of intervention from the discipline. These results come from three categories of analysis: The perception of being an immigrant student, decision-making and consequences of immigration, and finally, educational challenges from which conclusive ideas are established in a permanent reflection, such as the importance of a constant reflection on the processes of counseling around diversity and interculturality from human dignity, as well as the maximization of abilities and skills for human development.

Author Biography

Cindy Artavia Aguilar, Universidad Nacional

Académica, investigadora de la Universidad Nacional. Licenciada en Orientación. Máster en Pedagogía con énfasis en Diversidad, Universidad Nacional. 


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How to Cite

Artavia Aguilar, C. (2020). Nicaraguan Immigrant Adolescents in the Costa Rican Education System: Reflections from and for Counseling. Ensayos Pedagógicos Journal, 15(1), 192-209.



Academic Articles

How to Cite

Artavia Aguilar, C. (2020). Nicaraguan Immigrant Adolescents in the Costa Rican Education System: Reflections from and for Counseling. Ensayos Pedagógicos Journal, 15(1), 192-209.

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