Supervised Internship, Writing Practices and Training Devices
stage, writing, device, teacher trainingAbstract
In this article, the aim is to present a report on how the subjects Supervised Internship I and II, as part of the Portuguese Literature and Language Arts course are organized at the Federal University of Triângulo Mineiro (UFTM). As a theoretical perspective, we combine conceptions derived from the field of education – on how pedagogical internship practices are organized in universities –, a discursive conception of language – based on Foucault (1989) and Bakhtin (1979/2003)–, and a conception of experience as proposed by Larrosa (2004). From this theoretical basis, we assume that writing is a key component to achieving a training that leads future teachers to build their own knowledge about teaching based on the questioning of the possible relations (and existing challenges) between theory and practice. It is, therefore, a report on the construction of teacher education devices – whose central axis is the movement of reflection-action-reflection – which allows Literature and Language Arts students to write in such a way that is the result of knowledge about the teaching of the Portuguese language.
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