From Speech to Facts: Educational Policy of the Ministry of Public Education of Costa Rica




education, educational policy, educative methodology, educational system


In November 17th, 2017, the Ministry of Education of Costa Rica (MEP, for its acronym in Spanish) published a new policy in terms of education. It emphasizes on positioning the validation of humans as diverse and complex and the necessity of educational practices that project equality and inclusivity for all the students in the educational system. However, when analyzing critically the political discourse of the ministry of education and the reality that is faced in the classrooms, it is possible to discover the real effects of the policy, many of them covered in the shadows of MEP. A new policy does not mean a change in the paradigm of education. In this academic essay, different theoretical referents are used to analyze the real implications and contradictions of the new policy as well as the neoliberal influences in the changes undertaken in the institution.

Author Biography

Andrés Ariel Robles-Barrantes, Universidad Nacional

Académico. Bachiller en Enseñanza del Inglés (UNA). Master en Gestión Educativa con Énfasis en Liderazgo (UNA). Participante en diferentes eventos académicos internacionales en Costa Rica, Panamá, Chile, Cuba, Argentina y México. Identificador


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How to Cite

Robles-Barrantes, A. A. (2021). From Speech to Facts: Educational Policy of the Ministry of Public Education of Costa Rica. Ensayos Pedagógicos Journal, 16(1), 117-140.

How to Cite

Robles-Barrantes, A. A. (2021). From Speech to Facts: Educational Policy of the Ministry of Public Education of Costa Rica. Ensayos Pedagógicos Journal, 16(1), 117-140.

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