Educational Experience Focused on the Teaching Staff to Promote School Commitment. Students' Perceptions




engagement, autonomy, feedback, educational experience


This paper describes an investigation carried out at the primary level of education based on the theoretical postulates of the theory of self-determination and school engagement with the objectives of: (a) examining the natural configurations of support for autonomy and reference structure by teachers and perceived by the students, (b) describing the association between different perceptions with the students’ self-assessments in each dimension of engagement, (c) designing an educational experience aimed at promoting the support provided by teachers in class and on homework school children, and (d) assessing the association between perceptions of support and self-valued engagement by students after educational experience. The sample was composed up of 5th grade students (n = 53), from a public school of Argentina. Data collection was carried out based on the administration of an ad hoc questionnaire at the end of the experience. In addition, two standardized instruments were used before and after the investigation to assess the perception of the support received by the teacher and the students’ engagement. The results show that students get more involved with their learning when they appreciate that school tasks are defined under an instruction that supports their initiatives, but at the same time, offers an adequate definition of learning goals and objectives. The findings offer concrete guidelines to scaffold educational practices aimed at undermining the disengagement behaviors in the hands of a teaching style that supports students towards decision making and with formative feedback.

Author Biography

Daiana Yamila Rigo, Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto

Doctora en Psicología por la Facultad de Psicología, UNSL. Máster en Ciencias Sociales, UNRC. Máster en Psicología de la Educación, UMU, España. Licenciada en Psicopedagogía, UNRC. Profesora de grado y postgrado en la UNRC-UNC. Investigadora asistente del CONICET. Ha realizado y realiza tarea de investigación y docencia en relación con CONICET, AECI, FONCyT, SECyt-UNRC. Dirige, codirige y colaboradora en diversos proyectos de investigación orientados a la mejora educativa. Directora de trabajos finales de grado y postgrado. Sus trabajos de investigación refieren al campo de la educación, el diseño instructivo y el compromiso. Autora de artículos para libros y revistas sobre temas de su especialidad.


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How to Cite

Rigo, D. Y. (2021). Educational Experience Focused on the Teaching Staff to Promote School Commitment. Students’ Perceptions. Ensayos Pedagógicos Journal, 16(1), 207-230.



Academic Articles

How to Cite

Rigo, D. Y. (2021). Educational Experience Focused on the Teaching Staff to Promote School Commitment. Students’ Perceptions. Ensayos Pedagógicos Journal, 16(1), 207-230.

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