The Use of ICTs as Pedaogogical-Methodological Resources in the Training Process of University Students of the 21st Century


  • Alejandro Fonseca Cascante Ministerio de Educación Pública, Costa Rica



ICTs, teachers, students, higher education, curriculum, pedagogy and innovation


Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have become resources for everyday use for the population; thus, the need to integrate them into the higher education field in order to obtain their maximum benefits possible emerges. Therefore, it cannot be denied that they offer a series of tools that can be used by students in the development of their training process. Human beings never stop learning; hence, ICTs are constantly evolving to adapt to the new demands or needs that individuals are presented with. Higher education centers, aware of this reality, consider it essential that teachers are trained and resort to the application of these in their classes, so that the student population recognizes their different contributions and the support they can provide in their professional development, before an undoubtedly changing landscape, where it is necessary to move from an information society to one of knowledge, so as not to lag behind and be able to adapt to the digital era that the global world is promoting.

Author Biography

Alejandro Fonseca Cascante, Ministerio de Educación Pública

Profesor de secundaria en la modalidad diurna y nocturna en el Ministerio de Educación Pública Costa Rica. Licenciado en la Enseñanza de los Estudios Sociales y la Educación Cívica. Egresado de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica.


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How to Cite

Fonseca Cascante, A. (2021). The Use of ICTs as Pedaogogical-Methodological Resources in the Training Process of University Students of the 21st Century. Ensayos Pedagógicos Journal, 13-33.

How to Cite

Fonseca Cascante, A. (2021). The Use of ICTs as Pedaogogical-Methodological Resources in the Training Process of University Students of the 21st Century. Ensayos Pedagógicos Journal, 13-33.

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