An Archeology of Basic Competencies: Education as a Protocol for Predictable Indentities


  • Ibán Martínez Cárceles Departamento de Educación de la Generalitat de Cataluña, Spain



basic competencies, identity, school autonomy, social prerequisite


In this essay, we will describe the ideological paradigm of the competency-based system, which is developing in Catalonia in an uncritical way. To do this, our hermeneutics will be developed as an archeology; that is, we will not review all the academic literature on basic competencies, but we will bring out the elements that most clearly put forward the mentalities of the subject we analyze. This way, we will describe the account presented by those who exercise power, analyzing how the motivation to develop a system arises from the idea of competencies, how that motivation has subsequently been channeled towards the construction of an epistemological field based on the idea of “modern life”, and finally, we will delve into the dispute over key concepts, such as “social prerequisites”, “success”, and “autonomy”. This will be done with the intention of revealing one of the possible purposes of the competency story: to create a narrative about what an acceptable social identity should be.

Author Biography

Ibán Martínez Cárceles, Departamento de Educación de la Generalitat de Cataluña

Etnomusicólogo (Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya), Doctor en Musicología y Historia del Arte (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona).


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How to Cite

Martínez Cárceles, I. (2021). An Archeology of Basic Competencies: Education as a Protocol for Predictable Indentities. Ensayos Pedagógicos Journal, 16(2), 43-61.

How to Cite

Martínez Cárceles, I. (2021). An Archeology of Basic Competencies: Education as a Protocol for Predictable Indentities. Ensayos Pedagógicos Journal, 16(2), 43-61.

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