Equal Access to American Higher Education: Reality or Fiction?





higher education, equity, United States, social justice


American democratic values and ideals affirm that all people have the same chance of success regardless of race, ethnicity, or gender. The equal opportunities that all students must have do not apply to all educational institutions in this country. Leadership theory, instructional as well as evaluative practices have had and still have a great impact on this inequality. In this regard, educational leaders need to put a brake on the policy they are enforcing to balance resources and provide everything needed for an education tailored to all social classes. Higher education should be the means of educating a multicultural society where neither color, race, origin, nor the gender of people comes first. Educational equity must be present in each of the institutions to offer the educated equal opportunities to seek universal social justice.

Author Biography

Silvia María Ruiz Santiago, Martin County School District

Doctora en educación y liderazgo, instructora en el área de la enseñanza del inglés como segunda lengua para el Distrito de Martin County en el estado de Florida, Estados Unidos. Ha publicado numerosos artículos en revistas nacionales e internacionales así como ha presentado diferentes ponencias en congresos y simposios a nivel internacional.


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How to Cite

Ruiz Santiago, S. M. (2022). Equal Access to American Higher Education: Reality or Fiction?. Ensayos Pedagógicos Journal, 17(2), 81-93. https://doi.org/10.15359/rep.17-2.4

How to Cite

Ruiz Santiago, S. M. (2022). Equal Access to American Higher Education: Reality or Fiction?. Ensayos Pedagógicos Journal, 17(2), 81-93. https://doi.org/10.15359/rep.17-2.4

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