Assessment of a Virtual Synchronous Evaluative Experience in Physics Learning to Promote Student Academic Honesty at Universidad Estatal a Distancia, 2020-2022
assessment, academic honesty, Physics teaching, synchronous and distance educationAbstract
The purpose of this study was to assess the actions taken by the Physics Chair of the Exact and Natural Sciences of the Distance State University of Costa Rica regarding the implementation of evaluative activities which promote academic honesty, using an oral test with a virtual and synchronous format in a subject. Therefore, research was carried out with a qualitative approach, a narrative design and with a descriptive scope. The period of analysis covered the three academic quarters of the years 2020-2021, as well as the first quarter of 2022. Likewise, a group session was held with all the teachers who participated in the subject of Physics during the study period to find their perceptions about the evaluation activity in such a way that, based on these results and the advantages and disadvantages mentioned, adjustments were made in the synchronous oral test as part of a continuous improvement in the applied evaluation. In addition, the main conclusions show that the application of the virtual synchronous evaluation strategy encourages collaborative work and promotes academic honesty.
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