Purple Glasses to Curb Inequalities through Pedagogy: A Proposal to Guide the Incorporation of Gender Theory Amongst the Pedagogical Courses of the Shared Majors of the Department of Educology of Universidad Nacional
education, interseccionality, educational practice, gender theory, proposalAbstract
This essay intends to provide specific recommendations aiming at the crystallization of the transversality of gender theory amongst the pedagogical courses of the common majors of the Department of Educology of Universidad Nacional (UNA). To achieve that, the axes and thematic contents of the following courses are revised: Teacher Development and Professional Career Scenarios, Costa Rican Development and Educational Models, Human Development and Learning Theories, Seminar on Pedagogical Education: Pedagogy and Educational Processes, Introduction to Educational Processes, and Pedagogical Mediation for Inclusive Education. A series of recommendations are suggested to modify the syllabi of those courses, achieving that those students enrolled in Education with Specialization on Secondary Education are given a teaching process which enables them to analyze their educational practice from gender and intersectionality. It was opted for micro-breaks where the teaching staff does not need to have extensive training in gender to understand and apply the suggested elements, but only social sensitivity and a desire to transform the environment for a more just and egalitarian one. As the next thematic axis, it is urged to continue proposing recommendations such as these in other academic units in order to broaden the mainstreaming of this theory throughout the academic offerings of UNA.
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