Methodological Proposal that Facilitates the Social Integration of a Student with the Asperger Syndrome with His Classmates in a Group from a High School of Circuit 01 in Heredia


  • Eifrin Durán Alvarado Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
  • Christopher Montero De Hooge Lincoln School, Costa Rica



Asperger syndrome, educational methodology, academic performance, social behavior, social integration


An educational methodology was elaborated in this investigation to facilitate the social integration of a student with Asperger syndrome with his classmates in section 8 B of a high school that belongs to the circuit 01 of the province of Heredia, Costa Rica. To accomplish this investigation, the collected information was acquired through anecdotal record and non-participatory observations of the students' classroom behavior, as well as for identifying the techniques used by the science teacher during the lessons that motivated the students' participation. Also, one interview was applied to the psychologist of the institution and one towards specific work groups of section 8B, including the learner with Asperger syndrome. According to the data
analysis, the student with Asperger Syndrome does not difficulty with his academic performance; the teacher does not exploit his personal taste or interests, and his social behavior is hampered by the fact that he considers his classmates less intellectually capable.


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How to Cite

Durán Alvarado, E., & Montero De Hooge, C. (2011). Methodological Proposal that Facilitates the Social Integration of a Student with the Asperger Syndrome with His Classmates in a Group from a High School of Circuit 01 in Heredia. Ensayos Pedagógicos Journal, 6(2), 137-152.



Academic Articles

How to Cite

Durán Alvarado, E., & Montero De Hooge, C. (2011). Methodological Proposal that Facilitates the Social Integration of a Student with the Asperger Syndrome with His Classmates in a Group from a High School of Circuit 01 in Heredia. Ensayos Pedagógicos Journal, 6(2), 137-152.

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