Impact of High School Scientific Training in Two Cabécar and Ngäbe Indigenous Communities
indigenous people, Cabécar and Ngäbe, impact, values, tradition, language, biologyAbstract
This paper presents the results of a research about the impact of the language level, values, and traditions of secondary education in tenth grade Biology at two high schools located in Cabécar and Ngäbe indigenous territories. This research was based on a mixed approach, taking into account the different kinds of instruments used. Two groups of eleventh grade (students) and two biology teachers from two different high schools were surveyed in order to gather the information. The interviews' results are shown through a descriptive analysis. The main conclusions were the following: Although the educational system applied in these communities promotes the development of their autonomous values and traditions, only few of them are still present. Moreover, this research found out that biology professionals (teachers) promote the Indigenous identity by contextualizing the mediation process. Additionally, this research evinced the importance of speaking the indegenous students’ native language in the classrooms and the importance of the lessons being taught by Cabécar or Ngäbe people.
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