The Interaction with English Speakers and their Influence on Communicative Competence


  • Henry Méndez Pérez Universidad Invenio, Costa Rica



interaction, volunteer, English, competence, innovation


English has become the language of the knowledge society in which modern human beings live. To acquire it, every day thousands enroll and begin the dream of being able to communicate using this language. However, truancy is the worst enemy and a number quite similar renounce and leave the classrooms, frustrated by the feeling of not being able to reach the goal. What are the factors that lead many students to make this decision? Whatever the reasons, learning English as a foreign language is something that very few complete. The following scientific article aimed to identify the areas of the communicative competence that students improve by weekly interacting with English speakers. To achieve the goal, a group of twelve students were selected. They were studying English as a foreign language in the Universidad Técnica Nacional in Costa Rica. The results obtained were very interesting because the aspect of the communicative competence that they find the most difficult is the one being positively affected by these conversational sessions. As a conclusion, the collaboration of an English speaking volunteer in the classroom is an easy, fun, dynamic, innovative, different and very easy issue.

Author Biography

Henry Méndez Pérez, Universidad Invenio

El maestro Henry Méndez Pérez es educador desde el año 2002. Ha trabajado en primaria, secundaria y desde hace más de 8 años en educación superior. En el año 2012, terminó una maestría virtual con el Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey.


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How to Cite

Méndez Pérez, H. (2014). The Interaction with English Speakers and their Influence on Communicative Competence. Ensayos Pedagógicos Journal, 9(1), 99-120.



Academic Articles

How to Cite

Méndez Pérez, H. (2014). The Interaction with English Speakers and their Influence on Communicative Competence. Ensayos Pedagógicos Journal, 9(1), 99-120.

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