Use of Social Networks in English and Pedagogy Teachers: Differences per Discipline?
social media, professors, higher education, pedagogy, English teaching, disciplinesAbstract
This paper shows the preliminary results of two graduate research projects whose objectives are to know how Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) are used by teachers in their teaching process in two different disciplines at the Universidad Veracruzana: English Language and Pedagogy. For the collection of data, a questionnaire from ”Brecha digital entre estudiantes y profesores de la Universidad Veracruzana: Capital cultura; trayectorias escolares y desempeño académico; y grado de apropiación tecnológica” was administered to 55% (35) of English Language teachers and 88% (44) of Pedagogy; this article shows the results related to the use of social media. The main results highlight that the use of e-mail and social media are the most widely used tools by the teachers in both disciplines with means of socialization, communication and information exchange. The differences are minimal in the use of social media, but it is important to point out that they are used more by Pedagogy than English Language teachers. Finally, the ends by setting ground for future researches focused on specialized social media for each discipline, media that exists, but that are not exploited to its fullest.
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