Inverted Classroom (IC) or Flipped Learning (FL) as a Pedagogical Mediation Method Applied in an Integrated English Course for Other Specialties at Universidad Nacional (UNA), Costa Rica


  • Damaris Cordero Badilla Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
  • Vianey Martín Núñez Arguedas Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica



Flipped Teaching (FT), English Teaching approaches, teaching practices, case study, pedagogical mediation


This paper summarizes the results of a case study directed to describe what actually happens with the implementation of the Flipped Teaching Approach in a group of intermediate students of English at the English for Other Majors Program at Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica. The study provides some insights into those activities used as pedagogical mediation tools within the English classroom, the teacher’s role and the students’ academic performance in a 120-hour program which lasts 17 weeks. This investigation considers students’ interest and motivation towards the learning of a foreign language and the incorporation of new technologies and the usage of social media tools. The information was collected through the use of a diagnostic exam, classroom observations, and interviews to the students, with the implementation of several of the principles on which this teaching methodology is based. This article describes the methodology followed, problems encountered, and achievements during this period. The information and results obtained will be analyzed and then, some general conclusions regarding pertinence and impact will be drawn.

Author Biography

Damaris Cordero Badilla, Universidad Nacional

Máster en Administración Universitaria (M.A.U.) de la Universidad de Costa Rica y  Máster en Educación con énfasis en la Enseñanza del Inglés de la Universidad Latina de Costa Rica. Labora como docente en la Escuela de Literatura y Ciencias del Lenguaje de la UNA. Ha realizado trabajos de investigación en gramática comunicativa, estrategias metodológicas innovadoras y los usos de las TIC en la docencia universitaria, entre otros. Ha publicado artículos sobre estos temas en varias revistas nacionales e internacionales.


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How to Cite

Cordero Badilla, D., & Núñez Arguedas, V. M. (2017). Inverted Classroom (IC) or Flipped Learning (FL) as a Pedagogical Mediation Method Applied in an Integrated English Course for Other Specialties at Universidad Nacional (UNA), Costa Rica. Ensayos Pedagógicos Journal, 12(1), 85-110.



Academic Articles

How to Cite

Cordero Badilla, D., & Núñez Arguedas, V. M. (2017). Inverted Classroom (IC) or Flipped Learning (FL) as a Pedagogical Mediation Method Applied in an Integrated English Course for Other Specialties at Universidad Nacional (UNA), Costa Rica. Ensayos Pedagógicos Journal, 12(1), 85-110.

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