Urban violence in an amazonian metropolis: the production of space and enforcement clusters in the municipality of Marituba/Para (2011-2013)
Homicidal Violence, Enforcement Clusters, (Dis)order, Territory.Abstract
Homicidal violence is present and spatialized throughout the municipality of Marituba, especially in subnormal clusters –where, in the 2011-2013 period, more than 200 murders were recorded. Consequently, the conflicts marked by violent actions and deaths show a territorial problem, -in its complex meaning, in the organization and structuring of collective life. In this regards, the question that aligns the (dis)order and violence is the same that connects local empowerment, the achievement of quality of life and social development. Consequently, homicidal violence is a reflection of the socio-political weakness of communities that demonstrate the performance of enforcement clusters. This article aims at demonstrating, through the analysis of official data, bibliographical and field research, how the exclusion and enforcement clusters are territorialized in the municipality of Marituba, how security institutions are evident, and where violence is concentrated and /or is most vehemently evident.
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