Corralito: A Wetland in Danger of Extinction in the Village of Severá, Municipality of Cereté, Colombia
environmental problems, ecosystem fragmentation, territorial dynamics, anthropic pressures, precarious socio-economic conditions.Abstract
This article aims to analyze the environmental conditions present in the Corralito wetland, whose social, economic, and natural characteristics were considered to understand the causes of the physical, economic, and social events that explain the environmental damage it has suffered from in recent years. The existing environmental problem is the result of anthropogenic pressures to which it has been subjected, the absence of an environmental culture, and the interests of the owners of adjacent properties to appropriate the water mirror that have led to its imbalance and degradation. As a result of the territorial diagnosis, two fundamental environmental problems were identified: the drying of the wetland and the loss of biodiversity. Factors such as low educational level, scarce employment opportunities, low family income and poor sanitary conditions do not contribute to local sustainable development. It is highlighted that 80% of the families interviewed have diverse economic activities and that the construction of embankments and the parceling process contributed, since 2000, to a drastic reduction of the wetland area.
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