Sensitivity and scenarios of availability of water for human consumption in the micro watershed of Porrosati River, Heredia, Costa Rica


  • Esteban Montero-Sánchez, Maestrando Universidad de Wageningen, Netherlands
  • Jorge Herrera-Murillo, Doctor Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
  • Pablo Ramírez-Granados, Doctorando Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica



water availability; climate variability; climate change; water balance; modeling


Climate variability and land-use change represent two of the major constraints to the availability of water for human consumption in the future. With the aim of analyzing the availability of water for human use and consumption in the Porrosati Microbasin, water balances were calculated based on the groundwater recharge.  For estimates, meteorological records of 15 years (from 2000 to 2014) and analysis of the hydrological characteristics were used. To set up scenarios of water recharge in the medium (2026-2030) and long-term (2051-2055), taking into account scenarios of climate change, were used predictions of temperature and precipitation variation, developed by the National Meteorological Institute, under a scenario of emissions A2. The results obtained show atypical behaviors with significant changes in the seasonal behavior of recharge. Prospective volumes for the future show significant decreases that, in some cases, exceed the 15% on average, reaching up to 50% differences. In the long-term scenario, a major change is noticed in seasonal behavior, resulting in the emergence of two peaks of recharge.  The climate projections present a complex scenario with limitations to the water recharge of groundwater and, hence, the availability of water for human consumption in the medium and long-term.

Author Biographies

Esteban Montero-Sánchez, Maestrando, Universidad de Wageningen

Estudiante de maestría de la Universidad de Wageningen, Holanda.  Correo electrónico:

Jorge Herrera-Murillo, Doctor, Universidad Nacional

Laboratorio de Análisis Ambiental, Universidad Nacional, Heredia, Costa Rica. Correo electrónico:

Pablo Ramírez-Granados, Doctorando, Universidad Nacional

Laboratorio de Hidrogeología y Manejo de Recursos Hídricos, Universidad Nacional, Heredia Costa Rica. Correo electrónico:


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How to Cite

Montero-Sánchez, E., Herrera-Murillo, J., & Ramírez-Granados, P. (2018). Sensitivity and scenarios of availability of water for human consumption in the micro watershed of Porrosati River, Heredia, Costa Rica. Geographical Journal of Central America, 1(62), 52-75.



Case studies (Peer reviewed)

How to Cite

Montero-Sánchez, E., Herrera-Murillo, J., & Ramírez-Granados, P. (2018). Sensitivity and scenarios of availability of water for human consumption in the micro watershed of Porrosati River, Heredia, Costa Rica. Geographical Journal of Central America, 1(62), 52-75.

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