Geographic information systems and hydraulic modeling of potable water supply networks: case studies in the province of Guanacaste, Costa Rica


  • Esteban Alberto González-Ramírez, Licenciado Instituto Costarricense de Acueductos y Alcantarillados, Costa Rica
  • Esteban Bejarano-Salazar, Licenciado Instituto Costarricense de Acueductos y Alcantarillados, Costa Rica



Geographic Information Systems (GIS); hydraulic modeling; water distribution networks; aqueducts


Design and analysis methodologies for aqueduct and sewerage systems have been changing with the emergence of new tools and technologies that, in addition to simplifying these processes, are increasingly reliable and precise. The direct application of these new technologies has greatly improved the way in which drinking water and sanitation projects are planned, designed and built in the country. Hydraulic modeling of networks is a methodology that has been applied for several years, both for the analysis and design of drinking water networks and sewage networks. The most recent versions of hydraulic modeling software have the enormous advantage of being compatible with Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The present investigation shows a theoretical and methodological procedure used to simplify hydraulic modeling through the capture and systematization of data in a GIS, as well as a series of results obtained from specific cases in network systems throughout the province of Guanacaste in Costa Rica.


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How to Cite

González-Ramírez, E. A., & Bejarano-Salazar, E. (2019). Geographic information systems and hydraulic modeling of potable water supply networks: case studies in the province of Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Geographical Journal of Central America, 2(63), 293-318.



Case studies (Peer reviewed)

How to Cite

González-Ramírez, E. A., & Bejarano-Salazar, E. (2019). Geographic information systems and hydraulic modeling of potable water supply networks: case studies in the province of Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Geographical Journal of Central America, 2(63), 293-318.