Differentiation of agricultural lands in the municipality of Tequisquiapan, Querétaro
Agricultural land classes, rowth periods, Tequisquiapan, MexicoAbstract
The municipality of Tequisquiapan, state of Querétaro, Mexico, has suffered changes in land use due to urban growth. The objective of the present research is to differentiate land according to environmental conditioning and then assess and classify land types. The methodology is based on land classification guidelines as proposed by (FAO, 1997). As a result, 7 classes of land are obtained: Class I, whose limitation is semi-dry climate; Classes II and III, where soil depth is non-limiting for agricultural production. Classes IV and V, which in addition to having rocky, shallow depth soils, present a semi-dry climate and over 15% inclination that make them only suitable for grazing cattle. In classes VI and VII, the substantial stoniness (>50%) character of soils as well as greater than 25% slopes result in their recommendation as vegetation preservation land.
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