Situation of Territorial Information Systems usage for municipal management: case of the Greater Metropolitan Area (GMA), Costa Rica, 2018




M-GIS, GIS, TIS, Municipality, Territorial Regulatory Plan, Territorial Planning, Greater Metropolitan Area (GMA; GAM in Spanish), Plan GAM 82


When referring to Municipal Geographic Information Systems (GIS) the underlying principle remains unaltered as that in Corporate GIS, namely: a system that has been designed to meet multiple objectives within different departments of the same organization.  For M-GISs to be successful it is important for the organization to plan in advance the scope and expected results sought by their implementation based on realistic objectives.  The present article exposes the current status prevailing in the 31 municipalities that comprise the Greater Metropolitan Area of Costa Rica (locally known as Gran Area Metropolitana (GAM)), regarding the degree of progress in the development of Territorial Information Systems (TIS) as management tools for the execution of different municipal processes and how it has been possible, or not, to feed institutional relevant information, of geographical and non-geographical nature, into M-GISs; the presented situational data stems from a survey carried out between May and October, 2018.  For this study, the geographical delimitation is that established in the Regional Urban Development Plan of 1982 (Plan GAM 82) even though it is fully recognized that it has undergone multiple unofficial modifications and reform proposals since its enactment in 1982. Plan GAM 82 remains as a consultation document and is even utilized as an instrument for territorial planning by municipalities that lack or possess a partially approved territorial regulatory plan.

SIG, SIT, Municipalidad, Plan Regulador, Ordenamiento Territorial, GAM, Plan GAM 82.

Author Biographies

Douglas Guillén Montero, Departamento de Información Catastral y Geográfica, Municipalidad de San José

Geógrafo & cartógrafo, Departamento de Información Catastral y Geográfica, Municipalidad de San José. Correo electrónico:

Jacqueline Vargas-Bogantes, Dirección de Desarrollo Urbano, Municipalidad de San José

 Geógrafa, Dirección de Desarrollo Urbano, Municipalidad de San José. Correo electrónico:

Oscar Antonio Núñez-Román, Oficina Municipal de Gestión del Riesgo a Desastres, Municipalidad de San José

Geógrafo, Oficina Municipal de Gestión del Riesgo a Desastres, Municipalidad de San José. Docente, Universidad Católica de Costa Rica. Correo electrónico:

Luis Mauricio Vega-Ramírez, Dirección de Desarrollo Urbano, Municipalidad de San José

Geógrafo, Dirección de Desarrollo Urbano, Municipalidad de San José. Correo electrónico:


Dirección de Urbanismo (INVU). (s.f). Plan de Ordenamiento Territorial de la Gran Área Metropolitana 2011 – 2030, pp. 1 - 146.

Lara, F. (15 de julio de 2019). Mitad de propiedades carecen de limites oficiales. LA NACION. (p. 6)

INEC. (2011). Costa Rica 2020: Población total proyectada al 30 de junio por grupos de edades, según provincia, cantón, distrito y sexo. Recuperado de:

INVU. (s.f). Manual de Planes Reguladores como Instrumentos de Ordenamiento Territorial, pp. 1-60.

Oficina de Comunicación y Mercadeo, TEC. (abril/junio de 2015). Cartago una ciudad digital. PENSIS, 52-53. Recuperado de:

Reglamento 3332. (1982). La Gaceta 119 - 22 de junio de 1982.

Tomlinson, R. (2007). Pensando en el SIG: Planificación del Sistema de Información Geográfica Dirigida a Gerentes. Tercera Edición: ESRI PRESS.

Villalobos, G. (2009). Experiencia Municipal en el Uso e Implementación de un Sistema de Información Territorial. En: Revista Geográfica de América Central 43, 37-47.



How to Cite

Guillén Montero, D., Vargas-Bogantes, J., Núñez-Román, O. A., & Vega-Ramírez, L. M. (2021). Situation of Territorial Information Systems usage for municipal management: case of the Greater Metropolitan Area (GMA), Costa Rica, 2018. Geographical Journal of Central America, 1(66), 79-98.



Theory, Epistemology, Methodology (Evaluated by peers)

How to Cite

Guillén Montero, D., Vargas-Bogantes, J., Núñez-Román, O. A., & Vega-Ramírez, L. M. (2021). Situation of Territorial Information Systems usage for municipal management: case of the Greater Metropolitan Area (GMA), Costa Rica, 2018. Geographical Journal of Central America, 1(66), 79-98.

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