Influence of a River Corridor on the Variation of Climate Elements: The Case of Neuquén City (Argentina)




minimum and maximum temperatures, relative humidity, thermal extremes, riparian forest, thermal regulation


This paper aimed to compare the behavior of climatic elements and extreme thermal events between two landscape units of the city of Neuquén, Argentina, for the period 2013-2020. The study involved daily data of minimum temperature (Tmin), maximum temperature (Tmax), and relative humidity (RH) obtained from the meteorological stations "Neuquén Aero" (NA) and "Paseo de la Costa" (PC), referring to the valley (peri-urban area) and the fluvial corridor (riparian environment) respectively. The influence of the riverbank on the daily Tmin and Tmax during Heat Waves (HW) and Cold Waves (CW) in the valley was analyzed using the methodology of the National Meteorological Service. The mean Tmax (Tmin), at annual, seasonal, and monthly resolutions, were lower (higher) in PC. The mean RH values were higher in NA. During the HW, a regulatory effect was exhibited regarding the number of days that the threshold values were exceeded consecutively in the fluvial littoral.

Author Biographies

Micaela Lopez, Universidad Nacional del Comahue

 Lic. en Saneamiento y Protección Ambiental. Becaria Interna Doctoral de CONICET en Instituto Patagónico de Estudios de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales – Universidad Nacional del Comahue – Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (IPEHCS – UNCO – CONICET). ORCID: Correo electrónico:

Jorge Osvaldo Gentili, Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS)

 Doctor en Geografía. Profesor Adjunto en Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS) e Investigador Adjunto en Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET). ORCID:   Correo electrónico:


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How to Cite

Lopez, M., & Gentili, J. O. (2024). Influence of a River Corridor on the Variation of Climate Elements: The Case of Neuquén City (Argentina). Geographical Journal of Central America, 1(72).

How to Cite

Lopez, M., & Gentili, J. O. (2024). Influence of a River Corridor on the Variation of Climate Elements: The Case of Neuquén City (Argentina). Geographical Journal of Central America, 1(72).

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