Skepticism in the Recognition of Traditional Knowledge for Public Policy Management Related to Climate Change
traditional knowledge, biodiversity, climate change, public policy, guidelinesAbstract
The investigation aimed to identify the contribution of traditional knowledge in the construction and management of public policies for biodiversity conservation and adaptation to climate change. It was based on two studies conducted between 2015 and 2017 in two indigenous rural communities situated above 3,910 meters above sea level in the northern Puno region of Peru. The results have been synthesized to generate a proposal for strategic guidelines for high mountain agriculture with a focus on adaptation to climate change. The identified categories of traditional knowledge encompass: a) soil, b) water, c) plant health, d) measures against hailstorms, e) measures against frost, f) organization and ritual, and g) varieties and mixtures tolerant to climatic extremes.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Zenón Porfidio Gomel Apaza, Jorge Ishizawa Oba, Rafael Evelio Granados Carbajal, Adam Gamwell
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