
  • Jakub Trojan Universidad de Tomas Bata en Zlín, República Checa, Czechia
  • Jan Trávníček Universidad de Comercio y Hostelería, Czechia
  • Gustav Novotny Universidad de Masaryk, Czechia


Space, spatiality, visualization, GIS technologies


The options of visualization of spatialities grow with use of information and communication technologies (ICT). Four types of spatialities described according to Hynek and Vávra (2007) have been selected and tested for current ICT methods. The natural and socioeconomic spatialities could be  easily  visualized by  geographical  information  systems  (GIS)  with  addition  to  3D modeling. Typical example is use of augmented reality technologies incorporated into mobile devices and mass delivered in ordinary use. Paper deals with the examples of visualization in each of the spatiality, critically discusses the potential and risks of computer-based tools used in visualization and proposes the suitable implementation in geographical sciences as well as possible transition among defined spatialities.

Author Biographies

Jakub Trojan, Universidad de Tomas Bata en Zlín, República Checa

RNDr. Jakub Trojan. Instituto de Seguridad Environmental. Facultad de Logística y Gestión de Crisis. Universidad  de Tomas  Bata  en  Zlín,  República  Checa.  Dirección:  Pza/  Studentské  nám.  1532,  686  01 Uherské Hradiště, República Checa.

Jan Trávníček, Universidad de Comercio y Hostelería

RNDr. Jan Trávníček. Laboratorio de la Geografía Experimental y Aplicada, Universidad de Comercio y Hostelería.

Gustav Novotny, Universidad de Masaryk

Mgr.  et  Mgr.  Gustav  Novotny.  Instituto  de  Geografía.  Facultad  de  las  Ciencias  Naturales.  Universidad  de Masaryk en Brno. Dirección: C/ Kotlářská 2, 611 37 Brno, República Checa.


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How to Cite

Trojan, J., Trávníček, J., & Novotny, G. (2014). CYBERSPACE AND THE POSSIBILITIES OF VISUALIZATION OF (AT LEAST) FOUR KINDS OF SPATIALITY. Geographical Journal of Central America, 1(52), 51-67.



Theory, Epistemology, Methodology (Evaluated by peers)

How to Cite

Trojan, J., Trávníček, J., & Novotny, G. (2014). CYBERSPACE AND THE POSSIBILITIES OF VISUALIZATION OF (AT LEAST) FOUR KINDS OF SPATIALITY. Geographical Journal of Central America, 1(52), 51-67.

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