Morphometry of Toyogres river sub-basin, Cartago, Costa Rica


  • Pablo Ramírez-Granados Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
  • Kevin Alfaro-Jiménez Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica



morphometry, Toyogres River, watershed.


Based on geographic information systems and data modeling in Microsoft Excel, the morphometry of the Toyogres river sub-basin in Cartago was modeled. The purpose of the study was to develop the main geomorphometric and morphometric parameters that characterize a hydrographic basin as an initial stage in any hydrological study. The results showed how the shape of the sub-basin is related to the geometric aspects derived from the indices, which, therefore, responds to an elongated form. In turn, this form conditions the relationship of their drainage and the categories in which they are located.

Author Biographies

Pablo Ramírez-Granados, Universidad Nacional

Investigadores, Laboratorio de Hidrogeología y Manejo de Recursos Hídricos, Escuela de Ciencias Ambientales, Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica. Correo electrónico:

Kevin Alfaro-Jiménez, Universidad Nacional

Investigadores, Laboratorio de Hidrogeología y Manejo de Recursos Hídricos, Escuela de Ciencias Ambientales, Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica. Correo electrónico:


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How to Cite

Ramírez-Granados, P., & Alfaro-Jiménez, K. (2018). Morphometry of Toyogres river sub-basin, Cartago, Costa Rica. Geographical Journal of Central America, 1(60), 255-276.

How to Cite

Ramírez-Granados, P., & Alfaro-Jiménez, K. (2018). Morphometry of Toyogres river sub-basin, Cartago, Costa Rica. Geographical Journal of Central America, 1(60), 255-276.

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