The regional innovative centers of assistive technology of Brazil
Innovative Regional Centers, Patents, Technological Innovation, Assistive TechnologyAbstract
According to the IBGE Census 2010 (BRASIL, 2012), the Brazilian situation is 23.9% of Brazilians have at least some type of disability that can be classified as visual, motor, hearing or mental disabilities. Of these, about 18.6% have visual impairment, 7% motor, 5.1% auditory and 1.4% mental. The World Health Organization (2011) concluded that during human life, at some point, some type of disability will occur, being the most likely due to the aging process. In view of this situation, the search for a more inclusive society has become one of the prerogatives of the Brazilian Science, Technology and Innovation Public Policy, especially since the 4th National Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation (4th CNCTI) held in 2010.The determination and study of the Innovative Regional Centers for Assistive Technology, therefore, urgently needs to provide instruments for such policies.
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