Creation of sea level rise scenarios for the localities of Moín and Cahuita, Limón, Costa Rica




Sea level, Climate change, Flood, Topography, Tides


Sea level rise is analyzed based on the average level of high tides registered for the Caribbean region of Costa Rica. The present study utilized conceptual models, field observations and field measurements, which provide sea level data and its respective rise, for the modelling of possible scenarios for four different years: 2030, 2050, 2070 and 2100. Scenarios were developed to simulate the behavior of the relative sea level in the next 100 years for the localities of Cahuita and Moín, both in the province of Limón, Costa Rica. Astronomical tidal levels are studied from tidal predictions. The rise in sea level in the coming years due to global warming is, according to ECLAC scenarios/predictions (2012, p. 24), 3 mm per year for the Caribbean coast in general and is used as a basis for the creation of the different combinations and generation of the tidal levels represented in the present article. Results show flood levels for each considered year and indicate that both Moín and Cahuita could be flooded by the year 2100.


Author Biographies

Melvin Lizano-Araya, Máster, Universidad de Costa Rica

M.Sc. Docente e investigador, Escuela de Geografía. Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica. E-mail:

Omar Gerardo Lizano-Rodríguez, Doctor, Universidad de Costa Rica

Dr. Docente e investigador, Centro de Investigación en Ciencias del Mar y Limnología (CIMAR) Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica. E-mail:


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How to Cite

Lizano-Araya, M., & Lizano-Rodríguez, O. G. (2021). Creation of sea level rise scenarios for the localities of Moín and Cahuita, Limón, Costa Rica. Geographical Journal of Central America, 1(68), 103-126.



Theory, Epistemology, Methodology (Evaluated by peers)

How to Cite

Lizano-Araya, M., & Lizano-Rodríguez, O. G. (2021). Creation of sea level rise scenarios for the localities of Moín and Cahuita, Limón, Costa Rica. Geographical Journal of Central America, 1(68), 103-126.

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