
  • Revista Geográfica de América Central
    Vol. 2 No. 73 (2024)

    The GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL OF CENTRAL AMERICA is a printed and online publication, directed by the School of Geographical Sciences (Faculty of Earth and Sea Sciences) of the Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica and periodically edited by the Editorial de la Universidad Nacional (EUNA) since 1974. The focus and scope is to disseminate research and geographical and related work carried out nationally and internationally, as well as promote discussion and the contribution of geographers to today's society. The publication is aimed at students and professionals interested in geographic studies, territorial planning, natural resource management, regional studies and the technologies associated with these fields. The journal publishes articles in Spanish, English and Portuguese.

  • Revista Geográfica de América Central
    Vol. 1 No. 72 (2024)

    The GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL OF CENTRAL AMERICA is a printed and online publication, directed by the School of Geographical Sciences (Faculty of Earth and Sea Sciences) of the Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica and periodically edited by the Editorial de la Universidad Nacional (EUNA) since 1974. The focus and scope is to disseminate research and geographical and related work carried out nationally and internationally, as well as promote discussion and the contribution of geographers to today's society. The publication is aimed at students and professionals interested in geographic studies, territorial planning, natural resource management, regional studies and the technologies associated with these fields. The journal publishes articles in Spanish, English and Portuguese.

  • Revista Geográfica de América Central
    Vol. 2 No. 71 (2023)

    The GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL OF CENTRAL AMERICA is a printed and online publication, directed by the School of Geographical Sciences (Faculty of Earth and Sea Sciences) of the Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica and periodically edited by the Editorial de la Universidad Nacional (EUNA) since 1974. The focus and scope is to disseminate research and geographical and related work carried out nationally and internationally, as well as promote discussion and the contribution of geographers to today's society. The publication is aimed at students and professionals interested in geographic studies, territorial planning, natural resource management, regional studies and the technologies associated with these fields. The journal publishes articles in Spanish, English and Portuguese.

  • Revista Geográfica de América Central
    Vol. 1 No. 70 (2023)

    The GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL OF CENTRAL AMERICA is a printed and online publication, directed by the School of Geographical Sciences (Faculty of Earth and Sea Sciences) of the Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica and periodically edited by the Editorial de la Universidad Nacional (EUNA) since 1974. The focus and scope is to disseminate research and geographical and related work carried out nationally and internationally, as well as promote discussion and the contribution of geographers to today's society. The publication is aimed at students and professionals interested in geographic studies, territorial planning, natural resource management, regional studies and the technologies associated with these fields. The journal publishes articles in Spanish, English and Portuguese.

  • Revista Geográfica de América Central 61E (4) Especial
    Vol. 4 No. 61E (2018)

    Este es un número especial que recoge 9 artículos que fueron presentados en congreso Centroamericano de Ciencias de la Tierra, organizado por la Facultad de Ciencias de la Tierra y el Mar.  Dicho congreso tenía como propósito difundir y divulgar a los diversos actores sociales, los resultados obtenidos en los programas, proyectos y actividades académicas ejecutadas en las Escuelas e Institutos de Investigación que la integran.

  • Revista Geográfica de América Central
    Vol. 3 No. 61E (2018)

    Este es un número especial que recoge 34 artículos que fueron presentados en la 35th Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers (CLAG bajo el lema  “La Investigación Geográfca del Siglo XXI en América Latina, realizada del 20-22 de mayo de 2018, San José, Costa Rica.   La organización de la misma estuvo a cargo de las dos universidades que ofrecen planes de estudio en geografía; la Universidad Nacional y la Universidad
    de Costa Rica como coorganizadoras con la Universidad de Kansas, Estados Unidos, y con el apoyo de Sociedad de Geógrafos Americanos.   Con gran satisfacción presentamos este número especial de la Revista Geográfica de América Central  61E(3) Especial CLAG, esperamos que la lectura de la misma contribuya con la consolidación de la comunidad de geógrafos preocupados por problemáticas latinoamericanas.  

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