Author Guidelines


Original and unpublished documents related to geographic themes and problems of a theoretical-methodological nature or case studies are admitted.

Authors must submit manuscripts preferably via the OJS platform accessible at the link, however, an account must be opened prior to any submission.  In the event of difficulties accessing and/or using the OJS platform, manuscripts may also be directed to the Journal’s email address,,  MSc. Lilliam Quirós Arias (, Dra. Meylin Alvarado Sánchez  (

Authors who do not yet possess an ORCID researcher code are recommend to obtain one prior to submitting a manuscript.  This must be done by registering, using their institutional emails, at the link  When a manuscript is uploaded on the OJS platform, the authors’ ORCID researcher codes must be entered to allow the correct and unequivocal attribution of research activities, favoring the visibility and impact of their publications. A guide to ORCID registration can be found in the following link:

Along with the manuscript submitted for review, authors must provide a sworn statement expressly stating that the work is unpublished and original, and that the work has not been simultaneously submitted for evaluation in any other journal.   After evaluation, and in case of being accepted for publication, the corresponding author must provide the final and corrected version of the manuscript.

The time elapsed between the submission of the original manuscript until its acceptance for publication is approximately six months.

The Journal checks for plagiarism by running the text through Turnitin software to detect and determine the degree of similarity between the submitted manuscript and other published works.  Upon receiving the manuscript, it is scanned with the aforementioned software, and if the percentage of similarity is greater than 25%, it will be returned to the author for verification.  Once the Journal receives the verification response from the author but still detects plagiarism, the article will be rejected and withdrawn from the evaluation/editorial process.


Documents must be submitted in Spanish, English or Portuguese, with a summary of no more than 10 lines, in the vernacular language and in English, with a maximum of 5 keywords in both languages. A maximum size of 25 pages, including figures and references. For articles in Portuguese, the title, abstract and keywords in Spanish and English must be included.

The text must be in Word format, written in Times New Roman 12 font, spaced one and a half, with 2.5 cm in the upper and lower margins, and 3 cm in the right and left margins, on letter size paper.

The structure of the manuscript must include the following elements: Introduction, Study Area, General Characteristics, Theoretical-Conceptual Framework, Methodological Framework, Results, Discussion of Results and Bibliographic References.

Illustrations (maps, graphs, photos, etc.), tables and charts (statistics) should be numbered according to their order of appearance in the text (Arabic numerals); formatted for good resolution printing. In the case of maps, the printing can be in color, in JPG or TIFF, WMF, BMP format. All illustrations must be located in the text and attached in separate files.

References must be cited in the text, be in alphabetical order, and follow the international format of the American Psychology Association (APA sixth edition).


Title: brief, clear and corresponding to the content. In capital letters, centered and bold. In the vernacular language, Spanish and English.

Name and surname(s) of the author(s): justified to the right.

Academic degree, place, work address and electronic address: in a footnote. Use Times New Roman 10 font.

Summary in the vernacular, Spanish and English: maximum 10 lines, stating the main aspects of the text. Use Times New Roman 10 font.

Keywords in the vernacular language, Spanish and English: maximum 5 words. Use Times New Roman 10 font.

Text: The text begins with the introduction, differentiating the hierarchy of titles and subtitles by using different font sizes and bold lettering. Use Times New Roman font and double spacing.

References: must be cited in the text and not in footnotes.


As far as possible, they should be reduced to the essentials.

Footnotes should have a merely explanatory or explanatory purpose, or provide information on additional reading for the potential reader of the text.

In the text, textual citations will include the author's last name, year and page number in parentheses.

Verbatim citations of less than 40 words must be included in the text between quotation marks.

Verbatim citations of more than 40 words must be in a separate block, without quotation marks and with a 2.54 cm left indentation.


Arranged in alphabetical order, according to the author's last name, according to the the sixth edition of the APA Publication Manual.



Gómez, D. M. and Barredo, C. J. I. (2004). Sistemas de información geográfica y evaluación multi-criterio en la ordenación del territorio. Madrid, España: RAMA.

Chapter of a book:

Santos, M. (2000). “Por una geografía de las redes”. La Naturaleza del Espacio. Barcelona, España: Editorial Ariel. (pp. 221-234)


Murai, S. (1999). Libro de trabajo SIG. Volumen 1: Curso básico. En: Revista SELPER, 15 (1), 8-66.

Romero, M. (2004). Análisis de los cambios en la estructura del paisaje de l´alt Empordá, 1951-2001. Tesis doctoral. Escuela de Geografía, Universidad de Girona. España. (pp.325)

Electronic page:
Mascaraque, S. A. (2003). Índices de causalidad y riesgo de incendios aplicados a espacios naturales protegidos de la comunidad de Madrid. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Recuperado:

Loaiza, N. V. (January 24, 2008). Incendios forestales provocados arrasaron 32.000 hectáreas. La Nación. San José, Costa Rica. (p.5)


The tables must be explicitly stated in the document and located within the text, with Arabic numerals.

FIGURES (graphs, diagrams, photographs, etc.).

They must be explicitly stated in the document and located within the text.

The size of the figures may be up to 13 cm wide by 18 cm long, in order to fit the format of the journal.

All must have numbering, title, legend and source. They must be duly referenced in the text.


All must have numbering, title and source. They must be duly referenced in the text.

Indications for cartographic design

Given that the scope of the Geographical Journal of Central America includes cartographic design as one of the main forms of representation of Geographical Sciences, to submit articles for evaluation, cartography must include the following aspects:

Aspects of form and content

  • Title
  • Symbology
  • Graphic scale
  • Geographical coordinates
  • Location diagram
  • North arrow
  • Credits and dates

Quality aspects

  • Representation according to the subject studied
  • Visualization and internal organization of the map according to the shape and size of the represented area
  • Medium to high graphic resolution

Cartography submitting format

  • Submit the cartography in JPEG, TIFF, PNG and GIF format with less than 1 MB.
  • Image size should not exceed 650 pixels in width and height.
  • Include cartography in the body of the document and also submit cartography as separate/individual files.
  • The cartographic presentation, tables, figures and other visual elements must be referenced in the text.


Surname, Name (author/s, initials or full name/s of the different authors separated by ;) or name of the responsible entity. Year of publication, Title (in italics) [Designation of the type of material, for example, layout]: subtitle (optional and in italics). Numerical scale. Edition. Place of publication.


National Geographic Institute, Ministry of Public Works and Transportation (Costa Rica). (1981). Istarú. [Topographic sheet]. Scale 1:50,000. San José, 2nd Edition.

Citation of a vector file:

National System of Conservation Areas (SINAC) of the Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAE) (2006). Conservation areas of Costa Rica.

Citation of a raster file:

Program for the Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Central America and the Dominican Republic (REDD/CCAD-GIZ) (2012). RapidEye satellite image.

Citation of an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) service:

Cadastre and Registry Regularization Program, National Registry (2005). Orthophoto mosaic at 1:5000 scale.


The articles published in each issue of the journal will be available on the journal's website, in addition to a print run of which each author will receive a copy.