Sismo de Capellades 01 diciembre 2016, Cartago, Costa Rica


  • Ronnie Quintero-Quintero, Doctor Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica, Costa Rica
  • Hernán Porras-Hernández, Máster Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica, Costa Rica



Costa Rica, Sismo Capellades, tensor de momento; réplicas


In this work a seismic source description of the Capellades, Cartago province, Costa Rica earthquake, 2016-12-01 00:25:20 UTC time is made. We study the fault’s parameters, centroid, moment, magnitude, focal mechanism and aftershocks hypocenter with respective magnitudes. We also made a seismicity description in the epicentral zone before the Capellades earthquake occurred. The seismic network of the Observatorio Vulcanológico y Sismológico de Costa Rica de la Universidad Nacional (OVSICORI-UNA) and the Laboratorio de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Costa Rica (LIS-UCR) recorded the data used in the analysis. The main earthquake was located at 3.0 km depth, 3.7 km to the NNO of Capellades, with a magnitude (Mw) of 5.2. This earthquake was located between the Turrialba and Irazu volcanoes, Central Costa Rica Volcanic Arc. The moment tensor solution indicates a dextral strike-slip, almost vertical (dip 82°), strike 155° and slip 174°, with a centroid depth at 6 km. The pressure axis was calculated with a strike and dip of 21°/1°, with an SSO-NNE direction and the tension axis with strike and dip of 111°/10°, indicating a tension in the SEE-NOO direction. In general, the focal mechanism obtained using waveform inversion or P-wave first motion indicate a strike-slip fault, with horizontal pressure and tension axes in accordance with the stress of other moderate and light intraplate seismic events that have occurred in the central volcanic arc of Costa Rica. In 5 days of aftershock activity, in the area between 9.9 and 10.12 north latitude, 83.9 and 83.72 west longitude, 1923 earthquakes were located, all with magnitudes less than 4.0 degrees on the Richter scale. The aftershocks relocation shows an epicentral trend with NW-SE direction, dipping to the SW and rupture area of 32 km2. The strike 155° coincides with the tendency shown by the aftershocks epicenters, which indicates the fault trace. The Irazu-Turrialba zone where occurred the December 1, 2016 earthquake, showed microseismicity months and years before the main event; but there was no knowledge of earthquakes like this one, in the area.


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Como Citar

Quintero-Quintero, R., & Porras-Hernández, H. (2019). Sismo de Capellades 01 diciembre 2016, Cartago, Costa Rica. Revista Geográfica Da América Central, 4(61E), 123-143.



Estudos de caso (revisado por pares)

Como Citar

Quintero-Quintero, R., & Porras-Hernández, H. (2019). Sismo de Capellades 01 diciembre 2016, Cartago, Costa Rica. Revista Geográfica Da América Central, 4(61E), 123-143.