Identification of areas of potential land-use conflict in the Luján River basin, Argentina.


  • Gustavo D. Buzai National University of Luján, Argentina
  • Noelia Principi National University of Luján, Argentina



Applied Geography, Regional Analysis, GIS, Multicriteria Evaluation, LUCIS.


Geography, as spatial science, relies on the use of quantitative methods applied with Geographical Information Systems (GIS). In this context, cartographic modeling and multicriteria evaluation techniques allowed the definition of a methodological strategy for identifying areas of potential conflict between land-use at a regional scale (LUCIS). The research is carried out in the Luján River basin with the objective of defining these areas as a consequence of future spatial competition between urban land use, agricultural production and conservation areas. The results obtained are an excellent tool to use in the field of land-use planning.

Biografia do Autor

Gustavo D. Buzai, National University of Luján

Professor with Bachelor’s Degree (Geography, University of Buenos Aires), Doctorate (Geography, National University of Cuyo) and Post-Graduate Internships (UAM Spain, UIBK Austria). National University of Luján and National Council of Scientifc and Technical Research (CONICET, per its acronym in
Spanish) Institute of Geographical Research (INIGEO, per its acronym in Spanish), Director of the Teaching and Research Program in Geographic Information Systems (PRODISIG, per its acronym in Spanish).

Noelia Principi, National University of Luján

Professor with Bachelor’s Degree (Geography, National University of Luján) and Master (Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing, University of Costa Rica and the National University, Costa Rica).
National University of Luján Institute of Geographical Research (INIGEO, per its acronym in Spanish),
Coordinator of Spatial Analysis Laboratory and Geographic Information Systems (LabSIG). Argentina.


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Como Citar

Buzai, G. D., & Principi, N. (2017). Identification of areas of potential land-use conflict in the Luján River basin, Argentina. Revista Geográfica Da América Central, 3(59), 125-159.



Estudos de caso (revisado por pares)

Como Citar

Buzai, G. D., & Principi, N. (2017). Identification of areas of potential land-use conflict in the Luján River basin, Argentina. Revista Geográfica Da América Central, 3(59), 125-159.