Arte, cultura y sociedad: Revista de investigación a través de la práctica artística
E-ISSN: 2215-6461
Art, Culture and Society: Journal of Research through Artistic Practice is an academic electronic publication in megajournal format. It is aimed at artists and theorists close to the field of artistic practice who are currently approaching the academic publication. Research in the arts is understood as a concept that is constantly under construction, so that spaces for its development, dialogue and reflection, such as this one, invite to generate dynamics that question the very forms, systems and methods of making art, of producing knowledge through practice and its relationship with artistic production. This is an open access publication, whose evaluation mechanism is open peer review and an editorial committee made up of specialists from the different artistic disciplines of CIDEA who have in common the deepening of contemporary artistic practice. In addition, this journal publishes in preprint format the articles submitted by the research population prior to the open peer review process.
It does not charge for submission, processing or publication of articles.
Publishing entity: Centro de Investigación, Docencia y Extensión Artística (CIDEA), Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica.
Frequency: continuous publication with the following cut-off dates: July 15 and January 15.
Areas and Descriptors: Contemporary Art; Arts Research; Artistic Practices; Dance; Theater; Music; Visual Arts; Interdisciplinary Research; Design; Audiovisual; Film.
Journal e-mails:
Director and Editor-in-Chief of the Journal, Dra. Paola González Vargas:
Bibliotecas it is a journal of academic character of Escuela de Bibliotecología, Documentación e Información of the Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica). It takes as a principal aim the spreading of the scientific knowledge ensued from the investigations realized by professionals in library science, documentation, information and related subject matters. The journal is published half-yearly in the following periods: January - June (Issue 1) and July - December (Issue 2), with the methodology of constant publication (the articles are received all the year round). The journal is directed the professionals of the information, educational, librarianships in exercise and students in formation.
Entidad editora: Escuela Escuela de Bibliotecología, Documentación e Información
Áreas: Bibliotecología y Organización de la Información
E-ISSN:1659-3286Redes Sociales: Facebook y Twitter
Email: -
Economía y Sociedad
ISSN: 1409-1070 / EISSN: 2215-3403
Economía y Sociedad since 1996 has promoted the publication of articles and essays with novel analytical approaches and perspectives, promoting the common good and social and environmental justice. It also boasts a plural approach to the social sciences, promoting theoretical and methodological diversity. This open access project aims to disseminate knowledge based on scientific essays and articles, which contribute to the national and international debate on development and public policies and thus face current socioeconomic challenges. The journal is indexed in: SciELO, SHERPA/ROMEO, Latindex, DOAJ, ESCI, MIAR, Dialnet, ECONBIZ, biblat, Genamics Journal Seek, JournalTOCs, EuroPub, ROAD, GSI, CSUC, EZB, Zeitschriftenbibliothek, Brooklyn Public Library, Biblioteca Electrónica de Ciencia y Tecnología, Journals for Free, Kyushu University Library, SSKS, SUL, Toronto Public Library, Keystone Library Network, ORTON, University of Saskatchewan, Canadá, WorldCat, Sicultura y REDIB
Publishing entity: Universidad Nacional, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Escuela de Economía
Periodicity: Semiannual (January - June and July - December)
Areas and descriptors: Economy, development, environment, society, social justice, common good
Contact email: -
ÍSTMICA. Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
ÍSTMICA es una revista académica que surge como una iniciativa de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica) en 1994, esta abarca temáticamente los Estudios Transculturales. La periodicidad es semestral, cubre de enero a junio y de julio a diciembre de cada año, el primer número se publica el 31 de enero y el segundo número el 31 de julio. Su objetivo es contribuir al análisis de la producción intelectual, artística y literaria presente en las identidades centroamericanas y caribeñas. ÍSTMICA es una publicación digital, arbitrada e indexada con proyección internacional. Su gestión editorial se realiza mediante la plataforma OJS3 (Open Journal System), que facilita el Acceso Abierto (Open Access).
La revista está dirigida al público académico; estudiantes, investigadores y docentes, que abordan estos temas desde diversas perspectivas multi e interdisciplinarias que se desarrollan en los centros de investigación alrededor del mundo. Incluye como tipologías documentales; artículos académicos, crítica literaria y producción artística. La revista se publica en español, emplea títulos, resúmenes y palabras clave en inglés, puede aceptar artículos en portugués, inglés y francés, que incluyan su respectiva traducción al español, certificada por un traductor debidamente autorizado.
Correo de contacto: -
Ensayos Pedagógicos Journal
EISSN: 2215-3330 ISSN: 1659-0104
Ensayos Pedagógicos, whose first issue was published in 2002, was born with the purpose of becoming a collage of voices and worldviews, a space in which different educational and pedagogical experiences converge and go beyond the university and our national context. The main goal of our electronic open access journal is the dissemination of pedagogical essays and scientific articles that, from a critical and emancipatory perspective, approach topics relevant to education and pedagogy in any of their specialties and generate relevant knowledge for the national and international educational communities. This journal is indexed in DOAJ, Latindex, Actualidad Iberoamericana, Biblat, CORE, Dialnet, Dimensions, ERIHPLUS, EZB, Genamics, JournalTOCs, Journals for Free, LatinREV, MIAR, OpenAire, REDIB, Scilit, SHERPA/Romeo, and OEI
Publisher: Universidad Nacional, División de Educología, Centro de Investigación y Docencia en Educación
Publication Frequency: Biannual (January-June and July-December)
Areas and Descriptors: critical pedagogy, critical thinking, education, educational research, emancipation, pedagogy
E-Mail Address: -
MHSalud: Revista en Ciencias del Movimiento Humano y Salud
E-ISSN: 1659-097X
MHSalud Journal: Journal of Human Movement Sciences and Health is a scientific, bilingual and multidisciplinary publication. Its objective is to disseminate quality scientific knowledge generated in the field of Human Movement Sciences and Health through a digital, scientific, international and multidisciplinary journal. It is oriented at professionals in the Human Movement and Health Sciences as well as the general public. It is indexed in: SCOPUS, SciElo, Redalyc, LATINDEX, DOAJ, OAI, Livre, DIALNET, DRJI and in the Emerging Source Citation Index (ESCI). MHSalud Journal does not charge for admission, processing or publication of articles.
Publisher: Escuela Ciencias del Movimiento Humano y Calidad de Vida, Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica.
Publication Frecuency: Biannual as a volume (First number on January 1st and second number on July 1st)
Areas and Descriptors: The areas of the Journal are all those related to the Human Movement and Health sciences such as: Human Movement, Health, Physical Activity, Physical Education, Physical Health Promotion, Exercise Physiology, Motor Behavior, Sports Performance, Human Movement Medicine, Therapy Physics, Nutrition and human movement, Psychology and human movement among others.
Contact Email: -
Revista Perspectivas: Estudios Sociales y Educación Cívica
ISSN: 1409-3669 / EISSN: 2215-4728
The Revista Perspectivas: Estudios Sociales y Educación Cívica is a digital publication in which scientific research, debates, advances, challenges and limitations related to the development of the teaching and learning of history, geography and the social sciences are shared. Its authors and readers include professionals and other persons interested in the theory and praxis of Social Studies, Civic Education, or teaching-learning processes in the field of social sciences and the humanities.
The emphasis of the journal is on the field of research on teaching in Social Studies, citizenship, history, geography or social sciences. Its target audience consists of primary, secondary and university educators, students in training, and researchers in these areas.
Proposals for publication are received throughout the year at the email address Persons interested in publishing in the journal must meet the standards for publication and other instructions for authors.Arbitration system: The evaluation of the articles is carried out using the double-blind pairs modality. This consists of the critical and thorough review of the articles by two or three anonymous reviewers who belong to institutions other than the journal's publishing entity —that is, they are external to the National University— . The evaluators are external and appointed by the Editorial Committee according to criteria of suitability, relevance and degree of specialization or knowledge of the topics covered in the articles. In case of not reaching an agreement between the assigned evaluators, a third specialist is chosen who allows the result to be broken in favor or against the recommendation to publish.
Descriptors: Social Studies / Civic Education / pedagogy / teaching-learning / history of Costa Rica / history of Central America / history of Latin America
Main contact: -
Praxis began publishing in 1975, from the School of Philosophy of the National University of Costa Rica (UNA). The journal publishes the intellectual production of the school's academics, as well as of specialists from both the National University and other national and international institutions. The published intellectual production is related to the School's three areas of work: Philosophy, Latin American Thought and Bioethics. Likewise, it is a space to disseminate the qualified academic production of the School's students, in particular those, who are in postgraduate programs. The word Praxis refers to concrete action. Praxis, as a philosophical expression, is extremely necessary, and signifie moving from the Philosophy of action into the action of Philosophy, without losing its conceptual character and reflective seriousness. A Philosophy not linked to praxis disappoints, whenever we are aware of the demands of our time and the importance of commitment to social causes. Therefore, the objective of Praxis wants to contribute with a concrete and committed philosophical thought, considers its active presence necessary in the reflection on current problems, and gives a special welcome to quality articles dedicated to this analysis. Another objective is to become a means to enhance the conditions, in which the production of a philosophical thought of its own is currently developing, and to face the difficulties / possibilities for its circulation and debate. In addition, it allows the development of a relationship of exchange and dialogue between the philosophical community of the Universidad Nacional, groups and research communities in Philosophy and related areas of other national universities, in the region and the world. The magazine Praxis is published every six months continuously, and does not charge to receive, correct and publish the articles.
Letras es una revista académica de periodicidad semestral, de la Escuela de Literatura y Ciencias del Lenguaje. Letras publica artículos relacionados con diversos campos de la lingüística, la literatura y cultura de diferentes países, la enseñanza, aprendizaje y adquisición de lenguas, la semántica, semiótica y pragmática, el análisis del discurso y la lingüística textual, la traducción e interpretación, la terminología, las lenguas y culturas indígenas, y las lenguas de Costa Rica, entre otros.
Todos los números y artículos que integran los fondos de la revista —desde su primer número, publicado en 1979— pueden consultarse y descargarse de manera gratuita desde su portal electrónico.
Letras cuenta con el sello editorial de la EUNA, con el respectivo número ISSN para su versión impresa y EISSN para su versión electrónica, con un sistema de estadísticas y con una licencia Creative Commons. La revista se encuentra adscrita a diversos índices y bases de datos internacionales (Actualidad Iberoamericana, CCUC, CIRC, Dialnet, DOAJ, ERIHPlus, ESJI, EZB, Genamics, J4F, Journal TOCS, LATINDEX, MIAR, MLA, OCLC World-Cat, REAO, REDIB, REBIUN, RETI, SHERPA/RoMEO, SUDOC, Ulrich's y ZBD, entre otros) y asigna identificadores DOI a cada uno de sus artículos. Letras publica dos números al año: el primero en enero y el segundo en julio.
Correo electrónico:
ISSN: 1409-424X | EISSN: 2215-4094 -
Relaciones Internacionales
The International Relations Journal (Revista Relaciones Internacionales) sponsored by Universidad Nacional and associated with the School of International Relations is a continuous and biannual publication (two issues per year, from January to June and from July to December) with respective open publishing windows for each publication closing on June 30th and December 31st each year . The journal receives and publishes original articles with the themes of International Relations and International Business and Trade throughout the entire year.
The Journal is published by the International Relations School with the aim of addressing themes from a diversity of authors regarding the international context with direct or indirect consequences on International Relations and International Business and Trade.
Revista ABRA
ABRA is an academic research journal from Universidad Nacional (UNA). Its main purpose is to share national and international academic and scientific findings on Social Sciences. This job is done by publishing two issues per year in both printed and digital formats. All the content from the journal is merely academical, and it covers several different topics that are addressed to researchers, instructors, students, and the general public that might be interested on social sciences. ABRA´s publications are based on scientific research, articles based on experiences from social interactions and community services, teaching experiences, reports on other findings, and case análisis.
Publisher: Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Publication Frecuency: Biannual (January-June and July-December).Areas and Descriptors: Economy, Anthropology, Sociology, Psychology, Politics, Communication, History, Humanities, Social Improvement, International Affairs, among others.
Contact Email:
Revista Ciencias Marinas y Costeras
REVISTA CIENCIAS MARINAS Y COSTERAS (REVMAR)ISSN electrónico: 1659-407X. ISSN impreso: 1659-455X
It is a biannual continuous publication whose purpose is to disseminate original works related to marine sciences through a digital, scientific, international and bilingual journal. To date it is indexed in: Scopus, Redalyc, LATINDEX, DOAJ, ASFA, DIALNET, PERIÓDICA, SHERPA/ROMERO, MIAR, DRJI and in the Emerging Source Citation Index (ESCI). PUBLISHING IN REVMAR IS FREE OF CHARGE.
Publishing entity: Universidad Nacional, Escuela de Ciencias Biológicas, Costa Rica.
Periodicity: Each issue will be published from January 1 to Jun 3. and from July 1 to December 31 with a continuous periodicity and a six-monthly closure.Areas and Descriptors: The areas of the journal are all those related to marine sciences including marine biology, geology and ecology, oceanography, evolution, systematics and taxonomy of marine organisms, pollution, fisheries, mariculture, marine biotechnology, conservation and integrated management of marine and coastal resources.
Contact e-mail:
Perspectivas Rurales Nueva Época
Perspectivas Rurales Nueva Época is a journal published by the School of Agrarian Sciences of the National University with continuous periodicity and a six-monthly closure (January-June and July-December of each year). Its areas of interest encompass various topics, ranging from the dimension of agri-food systems and regimes, to the challenges of climate change, poverty, inequality, and violence that still prevail in the rural world. Thus, its thematic area includes the dynamic relationship between rural and urban areas based on cleavages such as food sovereignty and security, debates on rural development from a territorial perspective, the need to give visibility to the demands and struggles of actors such as women and young people, indigenous peoples, traditional rural communities, and social movements, among others, whose agendas are defined in dispute for recognition, inclusion, social participation, and the construction of public policies that allow for the full realization of the potential of rural populations based on their self-determination.
Perspectivas Rurales Nueva Época is a journal aimed at both professionals, students and the public related to and interested in Agrarian Sciences, Rural Development and the national and international Agricultural Sector.
Areas and key-words: Rural Perspectives; Agricultural Sciences; Rural development; Community Development; Food safety; Agroecology.
Tropical Journal of Environmental Sciences
EISSN: 2215-3896 / ISSN: 1409-2158
The Tropical Journal of Environmental Sciences (Revista de Ciencias Ambientales) is an international, interdisciplinary, open access scientific journal established in 1980. Our mission is to to stimulate, publish and disseminate novel, relevant and rigorous research in the environmental field that allows professionals, researchers and students through their daily practices and training processes to contribute to the solution of environmental problems, particularly for the Latin American region. It is primarily aimed to the national and international community of scholars and graduate students interested in the disciplines aligned with environmental sciences and working on key aspects in the Latin American region. The journal is indexed at SciELO, Latindex, DOAJ, REDIB, DRJI, DIALNET, PERIODICA, OAI, MIAR, among others.
Editorial institution: Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica; Department of Environmental Sciences.
Periodicity: Continuous publication with a semi-annual schedule (publishes the first issue on January 1st and the second issue on July 1st).
Scope: The journal covers the following themes: management and conservation of natural resources, biodiversity, watersheds, forests, ecosystem services, climate change, environmental management, environmental education, socioeconomics and the environment, and others related themes that attain to the better understanding, management and protection of the environment, but particularly to the solution of environmental problems in Latin America.
E-mail: -
Revista Géneros, Feminismos y Diversidades
ISSN: 2953-7568
Entidad editora: Universidad Nacional, Instituto de Estudios de la Mujer
Periodicidad: Semestral (enero-junio; julio-diciembre)
Áreas y descriptores: Abordaje de los estudios de género que transversaliza diversas disciplinas. Teorías feministas, el estudio de las diversidades (sexualidades diversas, condición económica, condición etaria, condición de discapacidad, migraciones, otras), desarrollo humano, interseccionalidad, derechos humanos, violencias, inclusión social, identidades, formas de discriminación, educación para la igualdad.Público meta: personas investigadoras o personas consultoras (nacionales e internacionales) en temas de género, estudiantes egresadas/os o estudiantes en pleno proceso de formación, personas en general.
Correo electrónico: -
Revista de Política Económica y Desarrollo Sostenible
RPEDS: Revista de Política Económica y Desarrollo Sostenible is a scientific, bilingual and multidisciplinary publication. The aim of the journal is to contribute to the construction of scientific knowledge on economic policy and sustainable development in order to promote permanent synergies between the national and international scientific community. It is aimed at professionals and students in the area of social sciences and related, as well as decision makers in matters of economic policy and the general public. It is indexed in Latindex, Redib, DRJI, Actualidad Iberoamericana and Infobase Index. There is no cost associated with the author for the entry, processing or publication of the article.
Publishing entity: Universidad Nacional, International Center for Economic Policy for Sustainable Development (CINPE), Costa Rica.
Periodicity: Biannual (July-December and January-June, the first issue is published in July and the second in January)
Descriptors: economic policy; sustainable development; quality of life; natural resources; company; agrarian policy, among others
Revista Latinoamericana de Derechos Humanos
La Revista Latinoamericana de Derechos Humanos es una publicación de carácter académico del Instituto de Estudios Latinoamericanos (IDELA), Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad Nacional (UNA) de Costa Rica. Se publica de forma electrónica e impresa. Su periodicidad es semestral, el primer número comprende de enero a junio y el segundo de julio a diciembre.
La Revista Latinoamericana de Derechos Humanos se enfoca en publicar diversos trabajos cuyo eje central son los derechos humanos desde diversas disciplinas y enfoques. Su propósito es abrir un espacio de reflexión, discusión, análisis crítico y propuestas en el área de los derechos humanos desde diferentes disciplinas con énfasis en América Latina. Asimismo, se propone difundir la producción y los aportes en las áreas relacionadas con los Derechos Humanos que realiza el IDELA, la población académica y estudiantil de la UNA; así como personas y organizaciones que trabajan en el tema de los derechos humanos en Costa Rica y América Latina.
La revista es de acceso abierto y gratuito, no existe costo para por la recepción, revisión de propuestas o publicación de manuscritos. Es una publicación arbitrada, ha establecido el sistema doble ciego para la revisión por pares externos de los manuscritos.
Entidad editora: Instituto de Estudios Latinoamericanos (IDELA), Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica.
Areas y descriptores: derechos humanos, sociedad, América Latina, educación en derechos humanos.
E-ISSN: 2215-4221 ISSN: 1659-4304
Contacto: Dra. Evelyn Cerdas Agüero, directora y editora en jefe.
Dirección Postal:
Instituto de Estudios Latinoamericanos
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
Universidad Nacional
Apdo. 86-3000
Heredia, Costa Rica.
Repertorio Americano
La Revista Repertorio Americano fue fundada en 1919 por el Benemérito de la Patria Don Joaquín García Monge, quien la editó hasta su muerte en 1958. Desde 1974, es publicada por la Universidad Nacional (a la cual le fueron cedidos los derechos por los herederos del Maestro García Monge), específicamente por el Instituto de Estudios Latinoamericanos que es, asimismo, depositario de la Colección Repertorio Americano, 1919-1958. Repertorio Americano, Segunda Nueva Época, es una publicación académica, anual, inscrita en el Programa Integrado Repertorio Americano, del Instituto de Estudios Latinoamericanos, IDELA. Como revista universitaria, se encuentra formalmente constituida como proyecto de extensión, evaluado, aprobado y refrendado por las instancias académicas competentes. Repertorio Americano, Segunda Nueva Época, mantiene la impronta garcíamongeana de acercamiento y conocimiento de los pueblos por la cultura. Desde el Consejo Editorial se asume como una publicación con visión latinoamericanista que enfatiza los ejes estratégicos del IDELA: identidades, cultura, desarrollo y derechos humanos.
ISSN: 0252-8479 E-ISSN: 2215-6143
Áreas y descriptores: América Latina, identidades, arte, ciencias, letras y humanidades
Entidad editora: Instituto de Estudios Latinoamericanos (IDELA), Universidad Nacional (UNA), Costa Rica. Apartado Postal: 86-3000. Teléfono(506) 25624056, 25624057. Correo electró
Contactos: Jonathan Cordero Bonilla, editor. Julián González Zúñiga, director.
Siwo Revista de Teología
E-ISSN: 2215-227X
SIWÔ' theology Magazine/ Socioreligious Studies is a biannual publication that promotes the study of religion from an interdisciplinary and intercultural perspective. It aims to promote the development of research in the field of theology and socio-religious studies at the national and international levels. SIWÔ' is aimed at researchers, teachers and students interested in the study of religion from an interdisciplinary perspective. The journal does not charge for entry, processing, or publication of articles.
Publishing entity: National University UNA, Ecumenical School of Religious Sciences, Costa Rica.
Periodicity: Half-yearly. The first issue (January-June) is published on January 31 and the second issue (July-December) is published on July 30. SIWÔ' is declared as of September 22, 2021, as a continuous publication of contents. It starts with this modality from Vol. 14. No. 2. Year 2021.
Areas and Descriptors: The areas of the Journal are all those related to: theology, socio-religious studies, interculturality, interdisciplinarity.
Contact e-mail:
The mission of Uniciencia journal is to share, without profit, research results and offer high quality inputs to the national and international scientific community in such a way that they allow the scientific and cultural development of our society. It is a semiannual journal that began in 1984. The journal is indexed in: Scopus, SciELO, Redalyc, LATINDEX Catalog, DOAJ, Emerging Source Citation Index (ESCI), among others.
Publishing Entity: Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences. Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica.
Thematic areas: biology, physics, computer science, mathematics, chemistry, topography and geodesy (and their teaching).
E-ISSN: 2215-3470
Contact: Yuri Morales-López, Editor • Email: -
The Jounal Respaldo is based on the framework of development, improvement and constant innovation of the school of Professional secretarial, pioneer in its field, who has been growing year after year in presence and prominence, thanks to the effort to strengthen the research, teaching, extension and production, under the values of respect, transparency, identity and social commitment.
From that perspective, our academic unit has built the idea of the creation of its own digital jounal and hopes that it will become support for all those people connected with Office management or education.
Ciencias veterinarias
ISSN: 0250-5649 / EISSN: 2215-4507
Ciencias Veterinarias is a periodical scientific publication in electronic format, aimed at professionals and students of Veterinary Medicine and other Health Sciences whose main purpose is the dissemination of scientific knowledge in the areas of Veterinary Medicine and Veterinary Public Health, generated in Costa Rica and other countries of the Ibero-American region. Currently the journal is indexed in: INDEX VETERINARIUS AND VETERINARY BULLETIN of CAB (England), REDIB, Latindex and DOAJ. Registered in: SHERPA/ROMEO, MIAR
Publishing entity of the journal: Universidad Nacional, School of Veterinary Medicine.
Frequency: Biannual (January-June and July-December).
Descriptors: Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary Public Health.
Contact e-mail: can find our articles in the Universidad Nacional Journal Portal.
We remind you to visit our link on the Publication Guidelines before sending us your article. -
Revista de Historia
ISSN: 1012-9790 / EISSN: 2215-4744
The Journal of History is a publication orientated to the dissemination of research that contributes to the development of historical discipline, as well as interdisciplinary studies with a historical perspective. Its purpose is to promote discussion, dissemination, problematization, theoretical debate and constant historiographic review of articles or research advances specific to the discipline or related to the social sciences.
Consists of five sections: América Latina Section, Costa Rica Section, Theoretical-Methodological Contributions, Documentary Section y Bibliographic Critique Section. This Journal is indexed in Latindex, DOAJ, REDIB among others.
Its main target audience, as authors and readers, are professionals in history and other social sciences, as well as university students of humanities and social sciences.
Publisher: School of History, Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica.
Descriptors: history, historiography, history of Costa Rica, history of Central America, history of Latin America.
Contact: M.Ed. Fabián González Ramírez, Editor.
Revista Electrónica Educare
Educare Electronic Journal is edited and published by Center for Research and Teaching in Education (CIDE, by its acronym in Spanish) from Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica (National University, Costa Rica). It is an international, academic, electronic Journal. The journal is published quarterly: the first number covers January to April and is published on January the 1st; the second one, covers May to August, and is published on May the 1st. The third number is published on September the 1st and covers September to December.
Educare’s aim is to disseminate academic production in the area of Education, both nationally and internationally, allowing authors to communicate their findings and readers, the possibility to discover the extensive work related to the discipline and its impact and relationship with other fields of knowledge. In search of the construction of interdisciplinary pedagogical thought, the Journal seeks academic reflection; the discussion and analysis of the published knowledge; the incorporation of new perspectives; the reference to innovation and the presentation of successful methodological applications. Aware of the wide range of expressions in this discipline, from theoretical conceptualizations to practical exercises, Educare offers a space for exchange, dissemination and promotion of Education.
Geographical Journal of Central America
Printed ISSN: 1011-484X / Online ISSN: 2215-2563
It is an online and printed publication, directed by the School of Geographical Sciences, Faculty of Earth and Sea Sciences, at the Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica and published every six months by the Editorial de la Universidad Nacional (EUNA) since 1974. The objective of the journal is to disseminate research and geographic and related works carried out nationally and internationally, as well as to promote discussion and the contribution of geographers to today's society. The publication is aimed at students and professionals interested in geographic studies, territorial planning, natural resource management and the technologies associated with these fields. The journal is indexed in: SCIELO, LATINDEX, REDALYC, DIALNET. The Geographical Journal of Central America does not charge for admission, publication of articles.
Dra. Meylin Alvarado-Sánchez (Director and editor) / Email:
Dr. Ricardo A. Orozco-Montoya (Coeditor) / Email:
Geographical Journal of Central America /Email:
New Humanism Journal
ISSN: 1405-0234 / E-ISSN: 2215-4078
The New Humanism Journal of the Center for General Studies of the National University publishes academic works that concern different areas of specialization of human knowledge and are relevant to the development of humanist thought in our era, under the format of a megajournal. The main objective of this publication is to disseminate the academic, artistic and cultural production of the authors at the national and international level.
Given the thematic plurality, this editorial proposal may contain the following technical contributions: articles derived from research, bibliographical review articles, theoretical articles derived from didactic experiences or social action, short communications, essays, biographical sketches and literary production.
Publishing entity: Centro de Estudios Generales (CEG), Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica.
Periodicity: Semiannual (January-June and July-December).
Areas and Descriptors: Sustainability and Environmental Management, Artistic Appreciation and Production, Human Rights and Culture of Peace, Ethics and Humanism, Diversity, Equity and Gender, Human, Social and Territorial Development, Costa Rican Culture and Identity.
Contact: Dr. Paula Alonso Chacón, editor.
E-mail: -
Temas de Nuestra América Revista de Estudios Latinoamericanos
Temas de Nuestra América, Revista de Estudios Latinoamericanos es editada en el Instituto de Estudios Latinoamericanos de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica. Es una publicación internacional de carácter académico. Su periodicidad es semestral.
Temas de Nuestra América, Revista de Estudios Latinoamericanos está orientada a la difusión de trabajos de investigación académica sobre la realidad latinoamericana. El eje transversal que convoca la reunión de artistas, escritores/as, investigadores/as y docentes es el pensamiento latinoamericano enfocado en los ejes temáticos donde se sustenta la labor académica del IDELA: identidad, cultura, desarrollo humano y derechos humanos en América Latina. Temas de Nuestra América, Revista de Estudios Latinoamericanos busca ser punto de encuentro para el pensamiento crítico y comprometido desde la complejidad de las realidades latinoamericanas para compartir, reflexionar y discutir Nuestra América.
El público meta de esta publicación está constituido por la comunidad nacional e internacional de investigadores, estudiantes, carreras de grado y de posgrado y todas las personas interesadas en el ámbito de los Estudios Latinoamericanos.
ISSN: 0259-2339 / EISSN: 2215-5449
Areas tematicas: Estudios Latinoamericanos, realidad Latinoamericana, identidad, cultura, arte, literatura, ensayo, pensamiento.
Entidad Editora: Instituto de Estudios Latinoamericanos (IDELA), Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica.
Contacto principal: Marybel Soto-Ramirez, Directora de la revista. Instituto de Estudios Latinoamericanos, Universidad Nacional
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Codigo Postal: Instituto de Estudios Latinoamericanos Facultad de Filosofía y Letras Universidad Nacional Campus Omar Dengo Apartado 86-300 Heredia
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Universidad en Diálogo: Revista de Extensión
The Universidad en Diálogo academic journal is an international publication in electronic format attached to the Vice-Rectory of Extension of the National University of Costa Rica; dedicated to the dissemination of experiences, methodologies and theoretical criteria from the territories, communities and social groups that constitute the commitment of academic extensionists for the work of the area in its various manifestations, from a horizontal and integrating dimension.
The objective of the Universidad en Diálogo academic journal is to promote the production and dissemination of knowledge built in the field of university extension; with the purpose of strengthening the exchange of knowledge in various cultural practices. The thematic coverage of the Universidad en Diálogo academic journal is aimed at university extension in all its disciplines, from the following areas and descriptors: university extension, dialogue of knowledge, generation of capacities, systematization of experiences, integral social transformation, territorial development, democratization knowledge, university-society-state actions, social problems, communities.
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For more information, contact Luis Diego Mora, Editor-in-Chief, at, or through the P.O.Box: Universidad Nacional, Campus Omar Dengo, Vicerrectoría de Extensión. Calle 9, Avenidas 0 y 9, Heredia, Costa Rica. Postal code: 86-3000. You can also visit us on our facebook.