About the migrant condition of Caribbean literature: geo-aesthetics of resistance, between tourism and sovereignty


  • Florencia Bonfiglio




Caribbean literature, geo-aesthetics, tourism discourse, A Small Place, Kincaid


The article analyzes some central issues in Caribbean literature, in particular of the Francophone and Anglophone areas, relating with the lack of development and the colonial functioning of their literary systems, on the one hand, and the social, economic and political problem of emigration in the Antilles, on the other. As I here propose, it is the migrant condition of Caribbean literature, as a system affected by the assive movement of its producers, that greatly determines its motivations and interests, focused on regional identity (and regionalist culture) repeatedly. The article explores, amongst other common-places (Glissant) in Caribbean literary discourse, its geographically marked aesthetics which is expressed even from a migrant (distant) locus of enunciation with decolonizing ends, linked in turn with the tradition of anti-colonialist male, militant writing of the past century. After a revision of this legacy through two critical readings (Tinsley, Condé), a series of texts is looked at where the persistence of an Antillean geo-aesthetics can be observed, such as A Small Place by Jamaica Kincaid which creatively appropriates tourism discourse from a geopolitical perspective of resistance to neocolonial domination..

Author Biography

Florencia Bonfiglio

Es Doctora en Letras por la Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Investigadora adjunta del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET). Profesora de Literatura Latinoamericana II y miembro del Centro de Teoría y Crítica Literaria y del IDIHCS (Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales), Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina. Integra el Comité asesor del Doctorado en la Letras en la misma Facultad. Su área de interés es la literatura caribeña, con énfasis en las producciones anglófonas y francófonas.


Referencias bibliográficas

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How to Cite

“About the Migrant Condition of Caribbean Literature: Geo-Aesthetics of Resistance, Between Tourism and Sovereignty”. 2019. ÍSTMICA. Revista De La Facultad De Filosofía Y Letras, no. 24 (July): 9-26. https://doi.org/10.15359/istmica.24.2.

How to Cite

“About the Migrant Condition of Caribbean Literature: Geo-Aesthetics of Resistance, Between Tourism and Sovereignty”. 2019. ÍSTMICA. Revista De La Facultad De Filosofía Y Letras, no. 24 (July): 9-26. https://doi.org/10.15359/istmica.24.2.

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