The representations of the Caribbean in The great zoo of Nicolás Guillén


  • Carlos Federico Vidal Ortega Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, Costa Rica



Zoo, Post Avant-garde, Bestiary, Popular Culture, Space Race


El gran zoo (1984), by the Cuban poet Nicolás Guillén, offers various representations of the Caribbean. The article argues that this poetry book falls within the tradition of the Post Avant-garde literary movement in Spanish America. Additionally, various formal characteristics of the text are examined, as exemplified in the poems “The Dream” and “Guitar”. Another poem that receives close attention is “The Tenor”, which parodies the division between high culture and popular culture. Lastly, several allusions of the poetry book to the historical context of the Cold War and the Space Race are analyzed.

Author Biography

Carlos Federico Vidal Ortega, Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica

Es Investigador Asociado del Proyecto ConeccCaribbean de la Unión Europea. Licenciado en Derecho. En el Doctorado en Estudios Latinoamericanos de la Universidad Nacional presentará su tesis, “Representaciones de la migración a Estados Unidos en nueve cuentos caribeños”, que combina la teoría literaria y los derechos humanos. Su artículo, “La Revista Derecho Comparado de la Información” (Repertorio Americano, n. 21) analiza el derecho a la información en México.


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How to Cite

“The Representations of the Caribbean in The Great Zoo of Nicolás Guillén”. 2020. ÍSTMICA. Revista De La Facultad De Filosofía Y Letras 1 (25): 45-55.



Dossier (sección arbitrada)

How to Cite

“The Representations of the Caribbean in The Great Zoo of Nicolás Guillén”. 2020. ÍSTMICA. Revista De La Facultad De Filosofía Y Letras 1 (25): 45-55.

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