The monstrous as a strategy for the rupture of social conventions and the construction of femininity in the stories “Costumbres pre-matrimoniales” and “Sin remitente” by Jacinta Escudos


  • María Fernanda Arce Calvo Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica



monstrous, femininity, mask, female body, identity


This research analyzes the stories “Costumbres pre-matrimoniales” and “Sin remitente” by Jacinta Escudos, in which there are two characters, ‘The mother’ and Anabell, respectively, who have monstrous characteristics and behaviors that they adopt in order to oppose and fight against the rules of a society that invalidate them as human beings. Thus, the concept of monster will be understood as a way of denominating that which is outside the norm, but also as an opportunity for the subjects to experience processes of self-knowledge about their bodies that go beyond what is expected of them. In this case, through the acquisition of masks and “violent” behaviors, these female characters transgress regulatory ideals and propose a new femininity that does not limit their sexual freedom, nor classify them in gender or age stereotypes, so they are not defined as mere objects subordinated to the actions of those around them.

Author Biography

María Fernanda Arce Calvo, Universidad de Costa Rica

Estudiante del Bachillerato en Filología Española de la Universidad de Costa Rica. Sus principales intereses de
investigación son: literatura centroamericana, literatura femenina, estudios literarios enfocados en género y teorías sociológicas.


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How to Cite

“The Monstrous As a Strategy for the Rupture of Social Conventions and the Construction of Femininity in the Stories “Costumbres Pre-matrimoniales” and ‘Sin remitente’ by Jacinta Escudos”. 2022. ÍSTMICA. Revista De La Facultad De Filosofía Y Letras 1 (31): 63-83.



Dossier (sección arbitrada)

How to Cite

“The Monstrous As a Strategy for the Rupture of Social Conventions and the Construction of Femininity in the Stories “Costumbres Pre-matrimoniales” and ‘Sin remitente’ by Jacinta Escudos”. 2022. ÍSTMICA. Revista De La Facultad De Filosofía Y Letras 1 (31): 63-83.

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