More than building peace, weaving it: stories of Mayan women during the process (1987-1996)




Women, Mayans, resistance, weaving, building peace


This work reviews, through the stories of women from different spaces originating in Guatema-
la, the forms of resistance of the residents, practiced during the armed conflict and discusses the

vicissitudes of the slow and difficult process that they went through until the Peace Signing that
was It happened in 1996. Part of the process was recorded through women’s testimonies that were
collected in books and magazines. The life path and destiny of women from that historical moment
on is so complex and so little known that it has become necessary to review the different individual
and collective participations of organized women during the post-war period, since without those
inputs it would not have been possible to consolidate peace. Since it had to be woven with wisdom, resistance, persistence and resilience, instead of built. Only through the hard work of women in all processes, were they able to restore the balance that had been lost by at least two generations of people from the towns, during the internal armed conflict, demobilization and return to a territory that appeared hostile and wild, at the time of signing peace.

Author Biography

Aida Toledo

Editora, ensayista, investigadora y profesora. Graduada de doctora en Filosofía en la Universidad de Pittsburgh, Pensilvania, con especialidad en Literatura y Estudios Culturales Latinoamericanos (2001). Realizó una estancia postdoctoral en Género, en la Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes, México (2014). Ha participado en diversos proyectos de publicación académicos a lo largo de su carrera. Obtuvo el Premio Único de Ensayo en los Juegos Florales Hispanoamericanos de Quetzaltenango (2013). Ha publicado en revistas nacionales e internacionales.


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Camargo Castillo, Javier y García González, Dora Elvira. “Matrices de paz”.

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Lugones, María. “Multiculturalismo radical y feminismos de mujeres de color”. Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política, n.o 25 (2005): 61–75.

Meza Márquez, Consuelo, Toledo, Aida. La escritura de poetas mayas contemporáneos producida desde excéntrios espacios identitarios. México: Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes, 2015.

“Tejedoras de paz”. Noruega: Fokus, 2010.

Tzul, Gladys. “La forma comunal de la resistencia”. Revista de la Universidad de México, n.o 3 (2019): 105–11.



How to Cite

“More Than Building Peace, Weaving It: Stories of Mayan Women During the Process (1987-1996)”. 2024. ÍSTMICA. Revista De La Facultad De Filosofía Y Letras 1 (34): 49-72.



Dossier (sección arbitrada)

How to Cite

“More Than Building Peace, Weaving It: Stories of Mayan Women During the Process (1987-1996)”. 2024. ÍSTMICA. Revista De La Facultad De Filosofía Y Letras 1 (34): 49-72.

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