En torno al campo literario afrohispanoamericano


  • Silvia Valero Universidad de cartagena, Colombia., Colombia




afrohispanoamerican literature, literary criticism, ethnicity, African descent, ontologization


Although the presence of black subjectivities is not new in Latin American
literature, the field had not acquired the force or topical recurrence
has achieved over the last fifteen years. This is articulated with the overwhelming
socio-political movement ‘African descent’ identity -category agreed in 2000-, which has created a rhetoric from anthropology, sociology, the legal field, etc., which has also permeated the literary discourse. I propose in this article that positive racialization and from below, ie, from the same subalternized sectors in recent years, has led a stimulating rhetoric of a “should be” African descent that is repeated throughout the work, not only fictional, but also a certain sector of criticism. This work attempts to  roblematize the force with which the rhetoric of the productions of African descent identity has entered the Latin American literary criticism in recent years causing, in some cases, generalizing readings and racialized that naturalize the idea of pre-existence and transhistoricity of a “being African”.


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How to Cite

“En Torno Al Campo Literario Afrohispanoamericano”. 2016. ÍSTMICA. Revista De La Facultad De Filosofía Y Letras, no. 19 (November): 77-87. https://doi.org/10.15359/istmica.19.5.

How to Cite

“En Torno Al Campo Literario Afrohispanoamericano”. 2016. ÍSTMICA. Revista De La Facultad De Filosofía Y Letras, no. 19 (November): 77-87. https://doi.org/10.15359/istmica.19.5.

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