Conceptual Metaphor and Embodiment in the Notion of “Costa Rica—Green” in Essential Costa Rica




semantic, metaphorical analysis, identity image, natural resource, tourism, tourism publicity


A semantic analysis is presented of the advertising language used by the brand Essential Costa Rica. A measurable strategy based on the conceptual metaphor “green is gold” is evident in these texts. It is examined using two macrocategories present in the words and expressions that make up the brand’s tourism advertising: “Costa Rica awaits a treasure” and “Costa Rica is a paradise.” They both generate an identity image of the region, apparently idyllic and paradisiacal, where socio-environmental problems typical of the reality that the country faces are distorted and become invisible.


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How to Cite

Conceptual Metaphor and Embodiment in the Notion of “Costa Rica—Green” in Essential Costa Rica. (2024). LETRAS, 76, 102-131.



Studies in Applied Linguistics (Estudios de Lingüística Aplicada)

How to Cite

Conceptual Metaphor and Embodiment in the Notion of “Costa Rica—Green” in Essential Costa Rica. (2024). LETRAS, 76, 102-131.

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