The Veridiction Processes in “A Very Short Story,” by Ernest Hemingway


  • Isabel Cristina Bolaños Villalobos Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
  • Gabriela Cerdas Ramírez Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
  • Jimmy Ramírez Acosta Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica



Ernest Hemingway, realism, autobiography, biography, verisimilitude of speech, historical discourse


This study presents an analysis of the work “A Very Short Story,” by Ernest Hemingway, from the perspective of verisimilitude. Based on the proposals of Todorov, Jakobson, Metz and Matamoro, it can be determined that this story is autobiographical and that a dynamic exchange takes place between the text and the internal dialogue. The ideas of Linda Anderson and Shoshana Felman about autobiography are taken into account. Moreover, issues of referentiality and the relationship between literature and reality, the influence of the historical and cultural context in reading a text, the interplay of discourse and the creation of meaning and the role of the receiver are all analyzed here.


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How to Cite

The Veridiction Processes in “A Very Short Story,” by Ernest Hemingway. (2016). LETRAS, 60, 213-230.



Otros estudios literarios (Other Literary Studies)

How to Cite

The Veridiction Processes in “A Very Short Story,” by Ernest Hemingway. (2016). LETRAS, 60, 213-230.