Aspectos actuales de las complejidades de la enseñanza del inglés en Costa Rica


  • Henry Sevilla Morales Universidad Nacional; Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica



teaching English, foreign language, Complexity Theory, autoethnography


Current complexities of English teaching in Costa Rica’s public secondary education are discussed. Using an autoethnographic research approach, critical incidents of an EFL teacher are examined in light of Complexity Theory. Findings suggest that classrooms are unpredictable sites of struggle where multiple rationalities coexist (and often conflict), which must be understood before random decisions are made. For applied linguistics, the study is relevant at three levels: it expands the bulk of literature on the subject, it calls for more attention to the complexities of EFL, and it opens an avenue for reflection and future research directions.


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How to Cite

Aspectos actuales de las complejidades de la enseñanza del inglés en Costa Rica. (2017). LETRAS, 61, 153-178.



Lingüística aplicada a la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras (Applied Linguistics: The Teaching of Foreign Languages)

How to Cite

Aspectos actuales de las complejidades de la enseñanza del inglés en Costa Rica. (2017). LETRAS, 61, 153-178.