


rugby, power of lower limbs, anthropometric variables, college students


The objective of this study was to compare the anthropometric and lower limb power (PMI) variables in a sample of rugby-7 players holding different positions. Twenty-two rugby-7 college players participated; according to the positions occupied on the playing field, they were classified in back and forward. The protocol of seven skin folds of Jackson & Pollock was used to evaluate the percentage of fat; and for the PMI tests vertical jump (CMJ), horizontal jump and triple jump. The T-test for paired samples was adopted, being p < 0.05, to compare the study variables. The results indicated a significant difference between the total mass (p < 0,01), the fat-free mass (p < 0,05), the fat mass (p < 0,01), and the CMJ (p < 0,005) between the groups. It is observed that the anthropometric demands for the forwards are different from the backs, due to the characteristic of the game position, which requires a different physical and morphological configuration.

Author Biography

Sandro Fernandes da Silva, Universidad Federal de Lavras

Grupo de Estudios e Investigacion en Respuestas Neuromusculares - GEPREN
Departamento de Educación Física
Universidad Federal de Lavras


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How to Cite

Martins, M. S. de A., Nunes, E. M., Rodrigues, C. D., Hernández-Mosqueira, C. M., & da Silva, S. F. (2018). ANTHROPOMETRIC CHARACTERISTICS AND LOW MEMBER POWER IN UNIVERSITY PLAYERS OF RUGBY-7. MHSalud: Revista En Ciencias Del Movimiento Humano Y Salud, 15(2), 1-9.

How to Cite

Martins, M. S. de A., Nunes, E. M., Rodrigues, C. D., Hernández-Mosqueira, C. M., & da Silva, S. F. (2018). ANTHROPOMETRIC CHARACTERISTICS AND LOW MEMBER POWER IN UNIVERSITY PLAYERS OF RUGBY-7. MHSalud: Revista En Ciencias Del Movimiento Humano Y Salud, 15(2), 1-9.

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