Association Between Academic Stress, Body Composition, Physical Activity and Emotional Skill in College Women
health, higher education, education, psychological stress, emotional intelligenceAbstract
The present study aimed to assess and associate the variables of academic stress, body composition, practice of physical activity and the ability to manage emotions in college women. The sample was 140 female students from a public university. The Sisco survey for academic stress, the IPAQ to assess physical activity, the TMMS emotional intelligence questionnaire, and the OMROM scale HBF-514 were used to calculate the percentage of fat, weight, a height meter for height, and the respective formula for BMI assessment. Pearson correlations were applied to establish relationships between the variables. The results showed an association between the level of general academic stress and body composition variables such as fat percentage (r = .209; p = .013) and BMI (r = .198; p = .019); the results also showed relationships with emotional management variables, such as emotional understanding (r = -.262; p = .002) and emotional regulation (r = -.379; p = .000). It is concluded that academic stress is related to the behavior of the emotional control variables and the body composition of the students; these variables can have an influence on the integral health of the human being.
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