Relationship Between the Presence of the Goalkeeper and the Pedagogic Variables that Define the Football Tasks. A Case Study
football, formation, training, goalkeeperAbstract
This research aims to analyze the pedagogical variables included in the training tasks designed by the soccer-base coach, Benjamin category (age between 9 and 10 years), regarding the presence or not of the goalkeeper. To do this, a total of 46 training tasks framed during 2 months of the training stage were analyzed. For the categorization of tasks, the SIATE tool was used, to analyze the pedagogical variables: Presence of Goalkeeper (PG), Game Situation (GS), Game Phase (GP), Content Type (CONT-T), Sports Initiation Medium (SIM), Opposition Level (OL) and Line of Play (LJ). The results show that the coach designs 8 x 8, mixed and competitive training tasks with the presence of a goalkeeper, and 1 x 0 training tasks, complex application exercise for warm-up without the presence of a goalkeeper. Also, there are significant differences between the variable presence of goalkeeper and the coach’s way of acting.
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