Specialization or diversification in sports development: promoting champions or life experiences?


  • Daniel Rojas Valverde Universidad Nacional, Escuela Ciencias del Movimiento Humano y Calidad de Vida (CIEMHCAVI), Centro de Investigación y Diagnóstico en Salud y Deporte (CIDISAD), Heredia, Costa Rica https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0717-8827
  • Christian Azofeifa Mora Universidad Nacional, Escuela Ciencias del Movimiento Humano y Calidad de Vida (CIEMHCAVI), Heredia, Costa Rica https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8085-9584
  • María Fernanda Fernanda Herrera Monge Universidad Nacional, Escuela Ciencias del Movimiento Humano y Calidad de Vida (CIEMHCAVI), Proyecto Psicomotricidad y Estilos de Vida Activos (PSICOMI), Heredia, Costa Rica https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0526-768X
  • Andrea Fallas Campos Universidad Nacional, Escuela Ciencias del Movimiento Humano y Calidad de Vida (CIEMHCAVI), Heredia , Costa Rica https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4182-671X
  • Emmanuel Herrera González Universidad Nacional, Escuela Ciencias del Movimiento Humano y Calidad de Vida (CIEMHCAVI), Proyecto Psicomotricidad y Estilos de Vida Activos (PSICOMI), Heredia, Costa Rica https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7672-3617




assesment, childhood, primary, education, competency-based, teaching, diversification, of


Purpose: To explore and discuss theoretical and practical scientific literature to compare sports diversification and early sports specialization as a sport and educational approach.

Methods: A systematic review was conducted following PRISMA guidelines, and 61 studies were included.
Results: Coaches, parents, and children consider that the best way to develop sports talent and enter the elite in sports is to practice a single discipline as early as possible to achieve specialization and maximum technical skills and physical and psychological conditions. Sports specialization paths may lead to a physical, social, and mental state that compromises their integral development.
Conclusion: Sports diversification should be considered first at an early age and, afterward, the specialization once the bases of strength, conditioning, neuromuscular training, and a specific psychomotor maturation have been achieved, so that sports performance and health are not compromised in the medium or long term. It is necessary to consider that few children enter elite sports, so for many of them, sports education will be the basis for exercising their citizenship as active people.


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Rojas Valverde, D., Azofeifa Mora, C., Herrera Monge, M. F. F., Fallas Campos, A., & Herrera González, E. (2024). Specialization or diversification in sports development: promoting champions or life experiences?. MHSalud: Revista En Ciencias Del Movimiento Humano Y Salud, 21(1), e14731. https://doi.org/10.15359/mhs.21-1.14731

How to Cite

Rojas Valverde, D., Azofeifa Mora, C., Herrera Monge, M. F. F., Fallas Campos, A., & Herrera González, E. (2024). Specialization or diversification in sports development: promoting champions or life experiences?. MHSalud: Revista En Ciencias Del Movimiento Humano Y Salud, 21(1), e14731. https://doi.org/10.15359/mhs.21-1.14731

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