Physical Education: The Right to a Quality Education
Physical Education, Human Rights, teaching, learningAbstract
Introduction: The right to education is a human right, and Physical Education is the discipline that teaches at the body level.
Purpose: To present the right to quality Physical Education.
Development: The human being is a biological entity immersed in a physical environment. Because of the conditions of their biology, human beings have to be in movement to ensure their permanence, satisfy their primordial needs, and carry out all the characteristics of living beings. Outside the biological sphere, they need to have a relationship with their surrounding environment and other beings; so, by keeping moving, they can meet different needs, such as psychosocial needs. In this way, through movement, people relate to their environment and peers, satisfying needs that allow them to survive and exist; movement becomes an inherent part of humanity.
Conclusion: Promoting teaching at the physical level is part of a human right in order to educate throughout the life course, thus, contributing to the integral development of people through quality Physical Education.
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