Systematic Review Study on Bullying in the context of Physical Education and Physical Activity
Bullying, physical activity, physical educationAbstract
Introduction: Aggressive behaviors such as bullying or School Bullying (SB) in the population are not an isolated event and seriously affect the socio-emotional health of those who suffer it. Objective: The aim of this study was to carry out a systematic review of existing publications on Physical Education (PE) and Physical Activity (PA). Materials and Methods: A research was designed based on PRISMA methodology. The search for information was developed in four databases WOS, PUBMED, SCIELO and ELSEIVER between the years 2015 to 2020. Results: A total of 53 articles were found, after being analyzed by inclusion and exclusion criteria, 18 studies were considered for analysis. Spain, Brazil and Colombia concentrate a greater number of publications with great variability of sample size for both females and males mainly during adolescence. The most used concepts were Bullying; Victimization, School Violence, Cyberbullying, Cyberbullying, Self-esteem within the context of PE and PA. Conclusion: The need to make the problem visible in PE and PA is highlighted, due to its impact on physical and emotional health and motor learning.
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