Effect Of An Intervention With Motor Stories On Pre-Basic Students Honduras, San Pedro Sula
Physical activity, Self-efficacy, Enjoyment, Childhood, SchoolchildrenAbstract
Introduction: The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of the intervention on motor stories in pre-school students in Honduras, San Pedro Sula. 29 boys and girls, ages 4 and 5, from the pre-basic educational level participated. Methodology: Validated pictorial instruments of enjoyment and self-efficacy towards physical activity were applied for boys and girls of these ages. Informed consent was collected virtually from parents or guardians and institutional permissions were requested to carry out the motor story intervention within the educational center. Results: The preschoolers who participated in the intervention with motor stories improved in their perception of enjoyment of physical activity, while the participants in the control group worsened. Regarding self-efficacy for physical activity, the percentage of change in this variable did not have statistically significant differences between EG and CG, with both groups showing a trend towards improvement post intervention. Conclusion: The present intervention showed positive results on the mediators of enjoyment and self-efficacy, using the ecological model as a central element.
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