Evaluation Process
MHSalud Journal reserves the right of rejecting articles not relevant to its subject profile or not adjusting to the present style guidelines.
The articles received by the MHSalud Journal will be reviewed in the first instance by the editor to identify fullfilment of the format. After this, the Editorial Board determine thematic relevance. All communication with the Editorial Board is done through face to face or virtual meetings and email.
Once this first filter is passed, the manuscripts will be evaluated by two external specialist reviewers and, if its necessary, by a third party. The entire peer review process is done anonymously with a double-blind peer review in which the author doesn't know about the reviewers and vice versa. These people are selected by high standars defined by the Editorial Board. To do the review, they are given an official notification of the evaluation request, the manuscript without the authorship data, the evaluation form, a copy of this regulation and a copy of the Journal's Code of Ethics. The evaluating specialist will return the article and the opinion form with the respective comments of the article to the journal within a period of 4 weeks.
After completing the review process, the authors will be notified of the decision, which may be one of the following:
- Accept without restrictions
- Accept with improvements
- Conditioned to a complete and exhaustive review
- Rejected
It is recommended to download the EVALUATION FORM to know the evaluation criteria for each type of manuscript before the author send the article to the Journal.
The authors must incorporate the requested adjustments. The editor will check the modifications made by the author and depending on each case, it will be forwarded to the reviewing person to give approval to cases in which the modification was significant.
After the evaluation process the Editorial Board indicates the final acceptance for publishing an article.
Once it has the approval for publication will proceed with the stage of editing, review and style and review of abstracts. Subsequently, the article will be marked in XML. When the previous process ends, the authors will receive their manuscript for a final revision, before the publication of the article. The authors are responsible for making the final revision and requesting the necessary changes regarding the format.
The Journal MHSalud reserves the right to make changes or introduce modifications in the manuscripts, in order to better understand them, without this deriving the change of its content.
When two or more articles are approved for publication whose research teams and their co-authorship have more than one member in common, those articles will be scheduled for publication in different issues of the journal. The same happens when two or more articles from a single author are approved in the same season, they will be scheduled for publication in different issues of the journal.
Evaluation Time
Since the approved articles are submitted, evaluated and published, an approximate time of 7 months is estimated.
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