Humanistic Eclecticism of the Economic and Legal Dynamics of the Bill on Electricity Autogeneration in Costa Rica


  • Juan Diego Sánchez Sánchez Universidad Nacional / Universidad Latina, Costa Rica
  • Guillermo Flores Flores Universidad Latina de Costa Rica, Costa Rica



humanism; monopoly; eclecticism; economy; law.


This article addresses a bill on electricity autogeneration in Costa Rica from two perspec­tives: economic and legal one and its effects on the humanist sphere of those involved. The first perspective establishes factors and the functioning of the economy correspond­ing to the project implementation. Figures of the monopoly and oligopoly are addressed, as well as the human dynamics and its economy the project generates in the market; this strengthens the lucrative nature of the project. In legal terms, issues appertaining to the legal nature of the bill are detailed, as well as the rules involved, the legal effects and the legal dynamics. These are aspects that allow establishing economic, legal and social interests, affected by the bill in question.


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How to Cite

Sánchez, J. D. S., & Flores Flores, G. (2018). Humanistic Eclecticism of the Economic and Legal Dynamics of the Bill on Electricity Autogeneration in Costa Rica. New Humanism Journal, 5(2), 27.



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How to Cite

Sánchez, J. D. S., & Flores Flores, G. (2018). Humanistic Eclecticism of the Economic and Legal Dynamics of the Bill on Electricity Autogeneration in Costa Rica. New Humanism Journal, 5(2), 27.